Provide Phone Call Check-In Information Terms of Service*I am an adoptee 18 years of age or older or I am an adoptive parent of a minor child. Beteseb Felega is not responsible for communication failure if contact information provided is outdated. Beteseb Felega assumes no liability for damages resulting from communication made through our services. Adoption Reunion Services Privacy Policy: I Agree to the Terms of Service Read Me!The fee for a wellness check with report is $60. The fee for a quick message without a report is $25. You will be directed to a payment link when your form has been uploaded. Note that sometimes even short calls can take a while to be completed in Ethiopia due to poor connectivity. Be sure to give us some guidance as to what you are seeking: are you dealing with one specific issue, are you hoping for a full update because this is your sole means of communication at the moment, or both/other? Thanks!File UploadUpload up to three photos - Label your using the child's full Ethiopian nameIf Ethiopian family has a smart phone, we can send some photos. Upload up to 3 here. Max file size 3MB. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 1 MB, Max. files: 3. Provide your Check In information either by using the PDF option or typing the details into the field below.Upload a PDF of Your Phone Call Check In InformationProvide the information we need to call your or your child's Ethiopian family: names, phone number(s), location (relevant to languages and connectivity). List the questions you want asked and anything else you want us to know to make the call successful. NOTE: Limit questions to about 10. In our experience, details are best obtained over a period of time rather than in one communication.Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB.Type or Paste Your Phone Call Check In InformationProvide the information we need to call your or your child's Ethiopian family: names, phone number(s), location (relevant to languages and connectivity). List the questions you want asked and anything else you want us to know to make the call successful. NOTE: Limit questions to about 10. In our experience, details are best obtained over a period of time rather than in one communication. Submitted by* Adoptee Adoptive Parent or Legal Guardian Name of Adoptee / A-Parent* First Last Email Address of Adoptee / A-Parent* Enter Email Confirm Email Phone Number of Adoptee / A-Parent*Alternate Phone NumberCountry of Adoption* Sign up for our Newsletter