This is our online database signup. If you would like a paid search, see this page. ጥያቄዎቹ እዚህ ይጀምራሉ
How does the database work? A must read for understanding our databases.
Terms of Service Listings for Ethiopian family searches on Beteseb Felega - EAC are public. Content put on this site will be available through search engines. Beteseb Felega - EAC will not expose or sell your contact information. Beteseb Felega - EAC assumes no liability for damages resulting from connections made between users or from posted information being misused. Beteseb Felega - EAC has not made an independent investigation into the accuracy of information provided by users. It is possible for an individual to enter inaccurate information, or that information could be outdated. In cases of alleged breach of confidentiality or accuracy, Beteseb Felega - EAC supports the position of searching families.
Search requests are accepted only from the adoptive parent/legal guardian of the minor child in question or the adult adoptee in question. Social workers, friends, and relatives may not sign up on behalf of an adoptee. However, with permission from the adult adoptee in question, another person may be included in correspondence and contact information.
Adults over 18 years old can post their information here; anyone under 18 must have parental consent.
Do not post photos of people other than yourself or your child on whose behalf you are searching.
For ten years we have offered these services at no cost to anyone. We envisioned a “pay it forward” system where the people we helped would donate to the project. Sadly, this has not happened, and we are unable to keep up with costs.
As a result, we have implemented a mandatory contribution of $25 for database users outside Ethiopia. You will be directed to the sign up form after making your contribution below. If you prefer, you may do a Facebook fundraiser to cover the cost (no need to publicly state any personal information in doing this; Facebook has prepared text). If you choose this option, send the Facebook fundraiser link to EthiopianAdoptionConnection at gmail dot com. We’ll share your fundraiser and get you set up in the database.