በጉዲፈቻ የተሰጠ ልጃችሁን እዚህ ፈልጉ፡፡

ይህ ከኢትዮጲያ በጉዲፈቻ የተወሰዱ ልጆች ዝርዝር ሲሆን የተዘጋጀውም ለኢትዮጲውያን ቤተሰቦች ነው፡፡ በዚህ ዝርዝር ለይ የቀረበው መረጃ ኢትዮጲውያን ቤተሰቦች በጉዲፈቻ ስለተወሰዱ ልጆቻቸው ካላቸው መረጃ ጋር የተለያየ ሊሆን ይችላል፡፡ ይህም ከመረጃ እጥረት የሚመጣ ነው፡፡ ስሞች ተቀይረው ሊሆን ይችላል፤ ዓመተ ምህረቶች በሁለት ዓመት እና ከዛም በላይ ልዩነት ሊያሳዩ ይችላሉ፡፡ ሌሎችም ልዩነቶች ሊኖሩ ይችላሉ፡፡ በሰንጠረዡ ለይ ያሉትን ረድፎች ለመመልከት ከላይ ይጫኑ፡፡ ሰንጠረዡን በቀኝ በኩል ያለውን የፍለጋ ሳጥን በመጫን በጥልቀት መጎብኘት ይቻላል፡፡ አንድ ልብ ማለት የሚያስፈልገው ነገር  የኢትዮጲያ ስሞች በእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ በተለያዩ ፊደሎች ሊጻፉ ስለሚችሉ ከስም ውጪ ባሉ ሌሎች መንገዶች ለምሳሌ በህጻናት ማሳደጊያው ስም ወይም አድራሻ መፈለግ የተሻለ ውጤት ሊያስገኝ ይችላል፡፡  ዓመተ ምህረቶች የተቀመጡት በፈረንጆች የጊዜ አቆጣጠር መሆኑን ልብ ይሏል፡፡

ለበለጠ መረጃ አረንጓዴዋን ክብ ይጫኑ።

ምንም አይነት የቤተሰብ መረጃ ለሌላቸው ልጆች “የተጣሉ” ወይም በእንግሊዘኛው  “abandoned”  “left” “found” የሚለው ቃል በዚህ ገጽ ለይ ኦፊሺያሊ ጥቅም ለይ ውሏል፡፡ ነገር ግን ድርጅቱ ብዙ ልጆች በከፍተኛ ችግር ምክንያት እንደተሰጡ ይረዳል፡፡ ወላጆች እነዚህን በጉዲፈቻ የተሰጡ ልጆች በቀላሉ አሳልፈው እንዳልሰጧቸው እንደውም አንዳንድ ልጆች በተሳሳተ መንገድ እንደተወሰዱ ድርጅቱ ይገነዘባል፡፡

ሰንጠረዡን ለማንበብ ከታች ያለውን TRANSLATE (ወይም በአማርኛ ‘ትርጉም’ የሚለውን) በተን ይጫኑ።

ቤተሰብ ፍለጋ-ኢትዮጲያን አዶብሽን ኮኔክሽን በመረጃዎቹ ለይ ላሉ ስህተቶች ሀላፊነት የማይወስድ መሆኑን ከወዲሁ ያሳውቃል፡፡

Search for an Adopted Child Here.

This is the list of adopted children searching for their Ethiopian families. The data may be different than what Ethiopian families have due to lack of information. Names could be changed, dates can be off by a couple of years or more, and so on. Columns on the table can be sorted by clicking at the top. Search the table using the search box below; however, note that there are many western spellings of Ethiopian names, meaning it’s good to search by other terms such as orphanage names or location. Dates are in GC, meaning Western calendar. Use the English words “left,” “found,” or “abandoned” to find a child adopted without family information.

Click the green button to see more about a case.

The word “abandoned” is used throughout this page because it is the official way a child is adopted if there is no family information. We understand that many children were given in desperation. These parents did not easily leave their children. Others were wrongfully taken.

Beteseb Felega – Ethiopian Adoption Connection is not responsible for possible errors in this information. 

Who's SearchingGenderChild Ethiopian NameBirth YearAdoptive CountryAdoption YearAdoption AgencyOrphanageEthiopian Family NameEthiopian ZoneEthiopian RegionPhotos
AdopteeGirlDename Kibamo2009USA2010HoltMussie Children's Home AssociationUnknown; child was abandoned and found in Durame by a man called KebebushKembataCentral
AdopteeBoyNahom Ashenafi2007USA2008GladneyInitiative EthiopiaMother - Betelehem or similar; Child said to be born in Catholic hospital or clinicUnknownTirgray
AdopteeGirlYeserash Yawkal2001; Girl was found abandoned under an eucalyptus tree in Bahir DarItaly2002Centro Aiuti per l'Etiopia (Italy)UnknownUnknown; abandoned childBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeGirlUnknown2009; child was found abandoned at Missionary of Charity located in Kebele 08 of Dire DawaUSA2010Dove Adoptions InternationalSOS Enfants Ethiopie, ToukoulDire DawaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Tarikua1994; child said to be abandoned at the orphanage gate but true story is unknownNetherlands1995Stichting Afrika (Netherlands)Almaz Ashene; workers Alemu Tadesse and Getachew ShirafewFather - Elfeyos Admassu (found but deceased - from Piazza area); now searching for MotherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeBoyTesfamlak Temesgen2007USA2008Christian World Adoption (USA)Childrens Cross Connection AwassaMother - Tigist; friend - AdanechAwassaSidama; SNNPR
AdopteeGirlKortu or Unknown2009; child found abandoned in Shashemene - Kebele Alelu (10) by someone called Yohannes or EtagegnehuUSA2009Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla House, Sele EnatUnknownWest ArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlBeti Assefa; Adopted with Sister2006USA2011Adoption AvenuesBiftu OrphanageEphraim Assefa or Assefa IjiguuEast HarargheOromia
AdopteeBoyGetasetegn; Dagim; abandoned at or around Lideta Church2007Unknown, USA2008UnknownEnat AlemGelai; AyenalemAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlChild Ethiopian Name Abebech Welkenhuysen or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Bishoftu - Debre Zeit2002Belgium2002Sourires d'EnfantsMissionaries of CharityUnknownEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlMariya Yosef2000France2001Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlKassech alalo2004USA2010Christian World AdoptionUnknownAunt - Mulu Yilma; Mother - Abribrush; Relinquished by Aunt MuluUnknownSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeGirlDinknesh Dinke Hachalu2008USA2009Dove Adoptions InternationalSOS Infants EthiopiaHachalu; Relinquished by HachaluWest Shewa - Ambo areaOromia
AdopteeGirlMary or Unknown; Child said to be abandoned and found in Mekele by locals maybe in a market area2005Finland2007InterpediaMissionaries of CharityUnknownMekeleTigray
AdopteeBoyTulori Gelala2006Canada2007Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of Children CAFACUnknownRelinquished by Asnakech - MotherKembattaCentral
AdopteeGirlSalem Haile or Unknown; child was abandoned1997USA2000UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoybenyam getachew1990USA1998African CradleUnknown; Child was placed into orphanage after his family died; possibly stolen and traffickedMother - Terawerk or TiruworkUnknownUnknown
AdopteeGirlAfrica Kebede or Abebe2010USA2010UnknownUnknownFather - Gafarso; Mother - AdanechSidamaSidama
AdopteeGirlTseganesh Gezahegn2007Germany2010UnknownOrganization for Gold AgeFather - GezahegnUnknownSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeGirl; BoyAwene Gelemo; Mamo Gelemo2009USA2015Adoption AssociatesBlessing Children Orphan CenterMother - Mareme; Father - GelemoKamashiBenishangul-Gumuz Region
AdopteeBoyMali or Unknown; child said to be abandoned2004USA2006UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
AdopteeGirlTsehay or Helen possibly2002France2003Les Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulUnknownGamo - Arba MinchSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeGirlHelen; Child Relinquished at police station by unknown person2005Belgium2006Sourires d'EnfantsUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlAbeba Talitha or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa1988Netherlands1989WereldkinderenUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyYelekale1988France1989; Child was relinquished in GondarUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownAfar, Amhara
AdopteeBoyzekarias2007USA2008UnknownWWO Academy "The Nun's Orphanage" - Catholic; Child was relinquished in Addis AbabaUnknownUnknownAddis Ababa, Oromia, Unknown
AdopteeBoyNatnael “Nati” Ali or Unknown; child said to be abandoned at Black Lion Hospital2012USA2013Bethany Christian ServicesHilawe Foundation OrphanageMother - FetiyaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlWengel or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa Nifas Silk Sub City Kebele 02 special place called Michael Square2013USA2014Dove Adoptions InternationalTsion Development and Support OrganizationUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHana Melaku or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in front of a pharmacy in Woreda 13 – Kebele 11 and taken to a children’s home by a police officer1998Germany1999Evangelischer Verein für Adoptions und Pflegekindervermittlung Rheinland e.VKidane MehretUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMitiku Biweta or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Bahir Dar2001France2005Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeUnknownUnknownBahir Dar Special ZoneAmhara
AdopteeGirlMulatua Tsegaye or Unknown; child was said to be abandoned or left at the orphanage by mother after birth1994France1999Accueil et PartageAbebech GobenaUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlEngu - Enku - Enque - Enqu or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa - Mekanisa - Wereda 23 - Kebele 131999Netherlands2000WereldkinderenKebebe TsehaiUnknown; but Foster Mother - Ijigayehu; Foster Father - Tedesse; Caregivers Senait (Abeba); Askale; SalalemAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMamo Anbessa or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa1975Sweden1976AdoptionscentrumUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyHabtamu1994; Child was relinquished in unknown location; he looks Indian maybeFrance1997Les Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTariku Mengesha2007Canada2010Kids LinkKingdom Vision InternationalTsadelech; Teshome; Fresva; Zerebezu; Child was relinquished by TsedalechGedeoSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeGirlMaria2006Ireland2007UnknownKidane MehretUnknown; child relinquished by YeneneshAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlYodit Teketel2005Netherlands2006Stichting AfrikaGelgela Integrated OrphansMother - Alganesh; Father - Teketel; Child was relinquished by mother Alganesh but through a woman called Zewuditu YashuAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlBetelihem; Betelehem; Bethlehem2012USA2013Children’s House InternationalSt. ThomasUnknownUnknownDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlMelat assefa2003USA2008Adoption AssociatesUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlYordanos2003Norway2003AdopsjonsforumKechene / Empress Menen Children’s HomeSister - Mulu; Sister - TsehayUnknownUnknown
AdopteeGirlMihiret Habib2004USA2008Wide Horizons for ChildrenBetezataMother - Saliya; Brother - Setota;UnknownDire Dawa
AdopteeBoyBedilu Tesfaye2009USA2009International Adoption GuidesFenot LewogenMother - EmebetAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlRuth or Unknown; child was abandoned and taken to the police station2001France2002PasserelleToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyFikadu Ayalkebet2002France2004Children of the SunToukoulMother - Tsege; Father - AyalkebetEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlRuth; Musela2006; 2003USA2006Wide Horizons for ChildrenUnknownUnknownUnknownSidama
AdopteeGirlMehret or Meheret2001Canada2003UnknownMissionaries of CharityUnknown, Unknown; child was "found in the American compound of Merkato"Addis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHelen or Abeba or Abebe2000USA2002UnknownMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis Ababa, GondarAddis Ababa, Amhara
AdopteeGirlHiruth or Hirut2001Canada2005-2006Americans for African Adoptions, UnknownMissionaries of CharityUnknown; child said to be abandonedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMisganaw2006Canada2007Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenEnat AlemUnknown; Infant Boy was found outside the Police Station in Kebele 15 of Addis AbabaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyErmiyas2007USA2008All God’s ChildrenEnat AlemUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMeaza1999USA2007Christian World AdoptionUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlEyerus Asfaw1992USA1998Americans for African AdoptionsAmericans for African Adoptions Foster HomeUnknown; child said to be abandonedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyKumera2007Canada2008Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenGelgela Integrated OrphansMother - Bekew; child given by Abebech in SebetaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa, Oromia - Sebeta
AdopteeGirlSenait; Seni2004USA2011Bethany Christian ServicesUnknownUnknown but she remembers her family including a mother; uncle; and siblingsWolaytaSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeBoyMamaye or Unknown2006USA2013Children’s House InternationalInkintinto Child Youth and Women’s Assoc.Mother - Etalemahu; Sister - TsegeAfar Zone 3; Awash, UnknownAfar
AdopteeGirlLengitu Ledamo2008USA2008Gladney Center for AdoptionInitiative EthiopiaMother - Martha; Father - Ledamo; relinquished by cousin TengamoSidamaSidama
AdopteeGirlYeshihareg or unknown; child was found abandoned in Kolfe2005Switzerland2005Pro KindKid's CareUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoy, GirlTwins Dawit and Betelehem or Bethlehem2000France2000PaïdiaToukoulUnknownShekaSouth West - Tepi
AdopteeBoyDawit2006Australia2006Australian GovernmentKoala House, Sele EnatUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlBirikty or Birukti2014UK2014-2015Unknown or PrivateKebebe TsehaiMother - Meka; Meka may have been to Akaki Selam Fire Health Station and then Tirunesh Beijing Hospital at the time of the birthAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTsion or Unknown2008Belgium2008Sourires d'EnfantsToukoulUnknownSheka, UnknownSNNPR; South
AdopteeGirlYeshihareg or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Shola Minch2005Switzerland2005Pro KindKid's CareUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMihret Tediye, Mihret Tediye or Rediye Mehret2007USA2009Bethany Christian ServicesUnknownUnknownUnknownSidama- Awassa, South Ethiopia Region
AdopteeGirlBetelehem Temesgen2005USA2011Gladney Center for AdoptionBridge of HopeMother - Yeshi; Father - Temesgen; child was relinquished by BelayneshGondarAmhara
AdopteeBoyAbdi Gruia or Unknown; Child said to be abandoned outside Addis Ababa at the home of a woman called Genet2010USA2011Adoption AvenuesBiftu OrphanageUnknownSpecial Zone Surrounding Addis AbabaOromia
AdopteeGirlDinna, Unknown; child said to be abandoned and brought to Ethio-Swedish Hospital also called Black Lion1993USA1995African CradleUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlSanasib Mathewos2010USA2011HoltUnknownMother - Mathewos; Grandfather - We'elebo - WeleboUnknownCentral - SNNPR
AdopteeGirlHana Ayele2002USA2002UnknownUnknownUnknown; child was found abandoned under a bridgeUnknownAmhara
AdopteeGirlBisrat2004Australia2005Australian GovernmentAbebech GobenaUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMastewal Shewarega2008Canada2012Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenUnknownUnknown3 AwashAfar
AdopteeBoyNuredin2012USA2013Adoption AssociatesChildrens Cross Connection and Jane's HouseUnknown, Unknown; child was found abandoned near or in ShashemeneWest ArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlSelamawit Tadesse2000France2006Accueil et PartageAlmaz Ashene Orphanage, ToukoulMother - Almaz; Father - Tadesse; Grandfather TekleAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlShumete Kejela1997USA2012UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMilkessa and Megersa Bogale1996; 1997USA2004Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseHarariHarari, Oromia
AdopteeGirlTsehay or Unknown2005Australia2006UnknownKoala Center, Sele EnatUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMekdes1997Switzerland2005Terre des HommesUnknownMother - Mekdes; she gave birth at Ethio Swedish Hospital also called Black LionAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlYado Sodo or Unknown; child was said to be abandoned in Wolayta2010USA2011America WorldKingdom Vision InternationalUnknownWolaytaSouth Ethiopia Region, South or SNNPR
AdopteeBoyMamush2007USA2008Illien AdoptionsEnat AlemUnknown; child is said to be abandoned but the true story is unknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlKonjit or Unknown; child was found abandoned at a church2002Netherlands2002UnknownA Hope for ChildrenUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlAzeb or Unknown1999Italy2004UnknownUnknownUnknownCentral TigrayTigray
AdopteeBoy, GirlButu Degu and Mimi Degu or Tunur Lema and Asmami Lema1994; 1997France1998Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeChristian Adoption AssociationUnknown, Unknown - These children were found abandoned in Arba Minch by Almaz Degu; she is not their mother; the children spoke the Wolayta languageGamo Gofa - Arba MinchSouth or SNNPR
AdopteeBoyMisganaw2006Canada2007Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenEnat AlemUnknown; Child was found abandoned in Addis Ababa outside a police stationAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAdonay or Adonai2004Germany2005EVAP (Evangelischer Verein für Adoption und Pflegekinderhilfe e.V.)Kidane MehretUnknown; child said to be abandoned at police station in WolaytaWolaitaSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeBoyGedion Taye; Dinkineh Taye2004; 2007Canada2008Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenGelgela Integrated OrphansUnknownKembattaCentral or SNNPR
AdopteeBoyZiad or Unknown; child said to be abandoned2013USA2014International Adoption NetUnknownUnknownUnknownHarari
AdopteeBoySimon Kebebe Tsehay or Unknown2016USA2015-2017America WorldKebebe TsehaiUnknown; Child found abandoned in Nifas Silk LaftoAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMulu Hailu GebreHiwot2006Spain2010Mundi AdoptaFinot LewogonFather - Haile; Mother - EtsaySouthern TigrayTigray
AdopteeGirlAsabe or Hasabe Addis1993USA1998African CradleUnknownUnknown; child said to be relinquished by an uncle; mother said to be deceased; father unknownBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeBoyWondemagegnehu1996Netherlands1999Stichting AfrikaMissionaries of CharityMother - Fekartha or FikertaBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Bantiwessen; Said to be found abandoned in Arba Minch outside a police station2008USA2009Dove Adoptions InternationalSOS Infants EthiopiaUnknownGamo GofaSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeGirlFiker Kebebe Tsehaye or Unknown2015Australia2015-2016Private AdoptionEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiUnknown; child was found abandoned in 2015 at "Biret Deldey"Addis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyDaniel Kebebetsehay2012Australia2013Private AdoptionEdget OrphanageUnknown; child found abandoned at Saris Abo Church at AkakiAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlEmebeth or Emebet or Unknown1996Netherlands1996Stichting AfrikaUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlKidist / Kedist / Kidest2005Belgium2006Ray of Hope (Belgium)Missionaries of CharityUnknown; child said to be abandoned and found at a hospital in Harar by a manHararHarari
AdopteeGirlRisko2001Norway2001InorAdopt (Norway)AMBAUnknown; child said to be abandoned at a market in Asebe TeferiWest Hararghe - Chiro or Asebe TeferiOromia
AdopteeBoyHabtamu Talosa2002USA2009UnknownLayla HouseUnknown; child said to be abandonedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlDibora2004USA2008UnknownHouse of HopeUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTwins Tsion and Tizita or Tisita1997France1998Les Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulUnknown, Unknown; children said to be abandonedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlSintayehu Sintu or Unknown; child was abandoned in front of Black Lion Hospital2005Denmark2008-2009DanAdopt (Denmark)Enat Alem, Tenesh AbabassUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMekdes2008USA2008Children’s House InternationalThomas CenterUnknown; child said to be relinquished by a young motherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlAddis Desalegn or Desalagh2006Canada2007Kids LinkHope for Abandoned ChildrenMother - MeseretAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMintamir Mentamer2006USA2008Gladney Center for AdoptionUnknownUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlFetura or Futura or Unknown; child was abandoned2009USA2009Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulUnknownHararHarari
AdopteeGirlMitu, Mitu or Unknown; child was abandoned2003Italy2004Centro Aiuti per l'EtiopiaUnknownUnknownSouthwest ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown1989France1990SOSEEToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyEyob; born in Asella at Assela Hospital; child said to be abandoned2013USA2014Adoption AvenuesBiftu OrphanageMother - TadelechArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlTwins Lubaba and Atalelech2008USA2010Tree of Life (USA)ToukoulMother - FatumaBench Sheko, Sheka; BenchiSouth
AdopteeGirlKalkidan or Unknown2006USA2007UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMeseret or Unknown; child said to be abandoned at 'Sabian Health Station'2013USA2014Adoption AvenuesBirhan Family Welfare FoundationUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeBoyTegegne or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Goro Butuji2013USA2014Adoption AvenuesBirhan Family Welfare FoundationUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlAyitu or Unknown; child said to be found abandoned in Woliso2008USA2008International Adoption NetSele EnatUnknownSouthwest ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyTwins Teferi and Tsehay; they were given the second name Degu from the orphanage owner Almaz Degu1999France2000Children of the SunHouse of Almaz Degu in Arba Minch, ToukoulMother - Tadelech or Senna or Sena; She is said to have died in Arba MinchGamo - Arba MinchSouth or SNNPR
AdopteeBoyAshenafi Asefa or Assefa2004USA2010International Adoption NetUnknownFather - Asefa; Mother - Werkie; he has a large family in SidamaSidamaSidama
AdopteeGirlMeheret Gesesew and Ezgihaye Gesesew2008USA2010Gladney Center for AdoptionBana CenterMother - Mehirte; Uncle - HadishMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlHiruth or Hirut or Unknown; child was abandoned and found on the street; the adoptee is interested to know about a medical procedure performed while she was on the streets2001Canada2004Kidane Mehret, Missionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoy, GirlMeseret Kebede; Ephrem Kebede; these siblings were entrusted to a neighbor by their grandmother; the neighbor took them to the orphanage2002France2007Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeQueen of Mercy or Kechene Children's HomeMother - Emebet; she died of an illness; their father was in the Eritrean warBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeGirlHirut; Hiruth; or Unknown; child was found abandoned in Addis Ababa or just outside1998Netherlands1999WereldkinderenKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTesfahun1998USA2002Americans for African AdoptionsKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHelehn; Helen was found abandoned in Gondar City2009USA2009Gladney Center for AdoptionBridge to IsraelUnknownNorth GondarAmhara
AdopteeGirlAmina, Amina or Unknown; Child was said to be found abandoned by police in Dire Dawa2009USA2010Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlSena Teku2017USA2018Children’s House InternationalKidane MehretMother - Tensae or Tinsae; Maternal Uncle - FeteneUnknownGambela
AdopteeGirlDinknesh Alemayehu; Dinkinesh2009USA2010Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesMussie Children's Home AssociationMother - Zeritu; Maternal Grandfather - AlemayehuUnknownSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeBoyErmiyas; Ermias; Child was found abandoned and name was given by police2007USA2008All God’s ChildrenEnat AlemUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMengistu or Unknown1988; born in Gondar and found abandoned in Kebele 16; the true story is unknownFrance1988Accueil et PartageChild Care Center; Child was also at College of Medical Sciences at Gondar Hospital for some timeUnknownNorth GondarAmhara
AdopteeGirlTesfanesh Terkaso2004Canada2007Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenGelgela Integrated OrphansFather TerkasoAmaroSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeBoyFunaga Gabiso; Child was relinquished2010USA2010UnknownAjujaUnknownSidamaSidama
AdopteeGirlTeresa2001, 2001; Child was relinquished by single mother and picked up by passersby and taken to the police stationFrance2002Les Enfants Reine de la Misericorde"Children's Village for Orphans" at Metsale Hisanat in Addis Ababa, Missionaries of CharityUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeGirlLengitu2007USA2008Gladney Center for AdoptionInitiative EthiopiaMother - Martha; Father - LedamoSidamaSidama
AdopteeBoyMichel Antoine Soudan or Sudan or Unknown; this child had a foot deformity1982Switzerland1983UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeGirlTewabech Gizaw Gitore Enare2006USA2008Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownFather - Gizaw; Mother - TsehayUnknownSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeGirlKonjo Adama; she was found abandoned on the grounds of Adama Hospital2010Switzerland2010Pro KindKid's CareUnknownUnknownOromia
AdopteeGirlBerhan or unknown; she was found abandoned outside Kidane Mehret Orphanage possibly by a grandmother1990Italy1995Centro Aiuti per l'EtiopiaKidane MehretUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTarekegn; the child may have been relinquished by his mother2008Netherlands2009WereldkinderenUnknownMother - Ayele; it's unclear if the woman in the photo is his mother or a caregiverAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMitiku asnake1997France2000Les Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulMother - Asseguedetch; Father - AsnakeUnknownSouth Ethiopia Region
AdopteeGirlArsemawit2015; Child was found abandoned in Bole - Addis Abeba in front of the Medhanealem churchGermany2014Private AdoptionEdget OrphanageUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyKidus Aynalem2008USA2009Gladney Center for AdoptionSelam United Integrated Orphans and Destitute Support AssociationMother - Aynalem; Maternal Grandmother - EshetuUnknownOromia
AdopteeBoyTilahun2003; This child was found abandonedDenmark2004AC International Child SupportUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlDibora Ashenafi2004USA2012Hope Adoption AgencyUnknownFather - Ashenafi; Mother - AbebaMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlEyerus Getachew1997France2001Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeMissionaries of CharityAbeyinesh and GetachewAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlRozina Tensiou/ Roza/ Rosa1999USA2006Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulBrother - Amanuel; Aunt - MuluUnknownTigray
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Tigist; baby had wound on upper lip; maybe cleft2005Netherlands2005WereldkinderenUnknownUnknown, Unknown; Child was found abandoned outside Black Lion HospitalAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyRediet Numan2009USA2010Children’s Hope InternationalHouse of Hope, Numan Orphanage CenterUknownArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlMaria2007Unknown2007UnknownKidane MehretYeneneshAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlAddiskidan Habtamu2004USA2005Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseAberashAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlShewaye Werknah Workeneh2002USA2014International Adoption NetUnknownUnknown, WorknehAddis Ababa, West ShewaAddis Ababa, Oromia
Adoptee|Type FamilyBoy, GirlAdoptee Mikias is searching for his two siblings; Names Unknown - Maybe Tewabech1994-1999 for the siblings we are searching for; exact years unknownUnknown2001 or laterUnknownKechene / Empress Menen Children’s HomeMaybe Meskerem - MotherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoy1996France2000Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeMissionaries of CharityUnknownUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoyMohamed Minni1994USA1996UnknownUnknownMinni, UnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMulu2005Australia2006Australian GovernmentKoala CenterUnknownSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeBoyAsefa2003USA2006Christian World AdoptionResurrectionUnknownWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeBoyWakjira Leti2007USA2008Celebrate Children InternationalUnknownUnknown or LetiUnknownBenishangul Gumuz
AdopteeBoyAlazar Asefa2009USA2010Adoption AvenuesToukoulAster - Mother; Assefa - FatherBench ShekoSNNPR, South West
AdopteeGirlMadot Fakeda1992USA1998UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyDaniel Haile1993France1997Les Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMuluken2001USA2007Christian World AdoptionUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlBetelehem Bethlehem2000USA2006UnknownUnknownUnknownHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyZekarias Tariku1994-96USA2000UnknownUnknownUnknown or TarikuUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoyMesafint2007Belgium2008Ray of Hope (Belgium)Kid's CareUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlSamrawit; Medrawit1997; 1996USA2005Adoption Advocates InternationalUnknownSelamawit- Older SisterAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeRahel or Unknown; child said to be abandoned and found on the street1990France1990Accueil et Partage (France)ToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMohammed Yasin2008USA2008Adoption AssociatesAdera Child and Family Support, Enat AlemUnknownAlaba Special WoredaSNNPR
AdopteeGirl; BoyTwins Biruktawit; Bruk1999USA2004Americans for African AdoptionsUnknownBezaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown, Yonas Modjo or Yonas Adama2010USA2011America WorldKid's CareUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlDernes or Elizabeth Haileselassie1970Sweden1972AdoptionscentrumUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyRauel2010USA2011Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulUnknownEast HarargheOromia
AdopteeBoyEdelu2004USA2007Children’s Hope InternationalA Hope for ChildrenEzekielAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAli1993France1994UnknownAssociation Emmanuel à Baugé, Sainte Thérèse Orphanage, UnknownZarahOromiaAmhara
AdopteeGirlAjabi2002Canada2004Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenMissionaries of CharityUnknownWest HarargheOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Rediet2008USA2009Christian World AdoptionChildrens Cross Connection AwassaUnknownSidamaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlWoyitu; Eyerusalem Dawit2002; 2004 or 2005USA2005Wide Horizons for ChildrenBete SaidaMother - Aresu; Father - DawitSidamaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Hanna2012USA2012America WorldAbenezerUnknownHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyNega2005Australia2005Australian GovernmentKoala HouseUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyEsayas or Unknown2011USA2012Children’s Hope InternationalHouse of Hope, Numan Orphanage CenterUnknownArsiOromia
AdopteeBoyAbiyot or Unknown2010Finland, UAE Dubai2010UnknownMissionaries of CharityUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeBoySebona or Gabriel; Unknown2013Canada2014Kids LinkUnknownUnknownWest HarargheOromia
AdopteeBoyMelakou1993France1994UnknownMissionaries of Charity, ToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHewan Degu1997Italy1999Centro Aiuti per l'EtiopiaCentro Aiuti Per l'EtiopiaUnknownGamo GofaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlKidist Hailegiorgis1990Unknown1995UnknownEdget Orphanage, Missionaries of CharityMother - Ayelech; Father - hailegiorgisAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlRahima Tarirga1991Netherlands1992Stichting AfrikaStichting Afrika Care CenterUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAlemayehu Bekele; photo is with a caregiver1989Netherlands1993WereldkinderenMissionaries of CharityUnknown or Kele Wengin Gohan KarlaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlNetsanet Hailselasseie1973Sweden1973-1974AdoptionscentrumUnknownUnknownNorth WolloAmhara
AdopteeGirlFasika2008USA2008World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetUnknownBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeGirlEmebet or maybe Emebet Jemal1991France1997PaïdiaKidane MehretUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTekien or Lebanos Tekien2011France2012PasserelleSOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulFather - Lebanos; Mother - HadasMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlMeron2002Austria2003Bridge to EthiopiaMissionaries of CharityUnknownEast TigrayTigray
AdopteeBoyMitik Adama or Unknown2012USA2013West SandsUnknownUnknownAdamaOromia

AdopteeGirlTizita Zeleke1993France1997Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeGenete YessusFather - Zeleke; Mother - YetemajorklemaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlAstarekech Alemu2007USA2009Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesMussie Children's Home AssociationSisay - MotherKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeBoyBenyam Gethachew1990USA1996UnknownA Hope for Children, Missionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAschenaki2010USA2010America WorldKingdom Vision InternationalUnknownOromiaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyAmanuel Wadido2008USA2009Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownUnknownAddis Ababa, Kembata Tembaro, UnknownAddis Ababa, SNNPR
AdopteeGirl1991France1995Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeAlmaz OrphanageMother - Meden; Father - AbrahamAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyShambel Shenko2009USA2010International Adoption NetShalomMother - Marta; Father - ShenkoDebub Omo, SidamaSNNPR

AdopteeGirlUnknown2004USA2005Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Mekfira2004USA2007Americans for African AdoptionsAtetegeb Worku, UnknownMother - Zemzem; Brother - FuadAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAfework Omoshe2009USA2010International Adoption NetSele EnatMother - Ayelech; Father - OmosheWolaytaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlTsehaye Zegaye1986France1992Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeAzozo ShelterFather - Zegeye; Mother - possible name KelemuaGondarAmhara
AdopteeBoyUnknown2003France2003UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoySemir2012USA2012Adoption AssociatesUnknownUnknownWest ArsiOromia
AdopteeBoyMillion Tekele2003USA2008Bethany Christian ServicesBete Saida, Kebebe TsehaiUnknown; maybe Father - TekeleAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyBona or Unknown2011USA2012HoltSele EnatUnknownWest ArsiOromia
AdopteeBoyBona Jimma2011Switzerland2011Mani per L'infanziaBetezata, Pro Etiopia InfanziaUnknownJimmaOromia

AdopteeBoyErmiyas2000France2008Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeBête HitsanetUnknownBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeBoyZelalem Etana2008Canada2014Kids LinkUnknownMother - Tebete; Father - EtanaKamashiBenishangul Gumuz
AdopteeGirlAdina Aschilo2003France2009Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeBête HitsanetGrandfather - Mihiret; Mother - BereketDebub GondarAmhara
AdopteeGirlSintayheu Ketema2010USA2012Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesDagu Relief and Integrated Development Organization, TiruketMother - Aynalem; Uncle - WorknehAfar Zone 3Afar
AdopteeGirlAsrat2003USA2005UnknownUnknownMother - AnisaUnknownSNNPR
AdopteeBoyTwins Yoseph; Biniam2005Australia2005Australian GovernmentGodanaw, Koala HouseAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlBeimnet Tesfaye2004Canada2007Kids LinkHope for Abandoned ChildrenMother - FrehiwotAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlYismashewa or Etsegenet1991France1998Les Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulMother - Etagu; Father - YesmashewaGamo GofaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlMihret Legese2010USA2012Hope Adoption AgencyFaith Children's HomeMother - AlemituKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Hiwot Kibebetsehay2009USA2009-2010Adoption AssociatesEngida Hitsinat Merja Mahiber, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Eyob2008USA2009Adoption AssociatesUnknownUnknownAwassaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyBirhanu; abandoned at Bisrate Gebriel Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church1991Netherlands1993Stichting AfrikaBlack Lion Hospital, UnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTamirat Tunura2003USA2008Wide Horizons for ChildrenHorizon Houses 1 and 2, UnknownFather FendikaSidamaSidama
AdopteeBoyMelese or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa2013UAE Dubai2014UnknownEdget OrphanageUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlAbigiya or Unknown; Child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa2012UAE Dubai2014UnknownEdget OrphanageUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlFeven or Hailemariam1990France1995Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeAlmaz OrphanageMother - Elfinesh; Uncle - MekonnenAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlBelaynesh or Unknown; child said to be abandoned at a hospital - Black Lion-Ethio Swedish or Ghandi1986Sweden1987AdoptionscentrumUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMikal1998-2000USA2000International Adoption GuidesSolomon Gultinsea, UnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyYeabsira Fekadu2000USA2005Adoption Advocates InternationalUnknownUnknownEast WelegaOromia
AdopteeBoyYamlaksira or Unknown2008USA2009World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetUnknownBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeBoy2014USA2017Adoption AvenuesBiftu OrphanageUnknownWest HarargheOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Hanna; child said to be abandoned at Hospital near Ras Hotel in Harar1996Sweden1997AdoptionscentrumUnknownUnknownHarariHarari
AdopteeGirlNetsanet or Unknown; child said to be abandoned outside Awassa and found by Aster and Yohannes2009USA2010Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownUnknownHadiyaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlSifan or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Abandoned Metu - Oromia Region2008USA2009International Adoption NetSele EnatUnknownIllubaborOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Fekadu Tessema; child said to be abandoned at Black Lion Hospital1989France1993Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeAlmaz Orphanage, ToukoulUnknown; child was abandoned at Black Lion HospitalAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyKirubel Abebe2003Spain2009Associació Iniciativa Pro InfànciaFinot LewogonFather - Abebe; Mother - Biauye or BaiyuAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAbedu Yimer2007USA2012Bethany Christian ServicesPartnership for Orphans and Vulnerable ChildrenMother - Shenbera or Befeta; Father - YimerSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeGirlTsega Kumsa2009Canada2010ImagineKingdom Vision InternationalMother - SenaitAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlTwins Tayech; Tabech Yana2007USA2010Wide Horizons for ChildrenAjujaLagaoSidamaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyAhimedin or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Haramaya and kept by Halifa2006France2008UnknownSOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulUnknownEast HarargheOromia
AdopteeGirlMirtinesh Zewdie2003USA2005HoltHorizon Houses 1 and 2Grandfather - WoldieKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeBoyt a church in Bahir Dar2007France, USA2008Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeUnknownUnknownBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Emane; child said to be abandoned in Dire Dawa2010USA2012Lifeline Children's ServicesUnknownUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeBoyNigatu Tegegn or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Shinshicho2005USA2006Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesMussie Children's Home Association, Selam United Integrated Orphans and Destitute Support AssociationUnknownKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Abdi; child said to be abandoned in Jimma Special Zone2009Belgium2010Sourires d'EnfantsAMBAUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Abdulquadir; child said to be abandoned Girawa East Hararghe - Oromia Region2007Belgium2007Sourires d'EnfantsAMBAUnknownEast HarargheOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Meron; child said to be abandoned2010France2011Les Enfants Avant ToutToukoulUnknownNorth GondarAmhara
AdopteeGirl2000France2003Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeUnknownMother - Abebayitu; Sister - SileAgew AwiAmhara
AdopteeBoyMakaylay1990USA1994African CradleUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoy; GirlTamiru and Two Sisters2002; 2005; 2006USA2008Children’s Hope InternationalAlmaz Orphanage, House of HopeUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa, Oromia
AdopteeBoyGebre Michael1993France1993Les Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyGebre Miriam or Unknown; child said to be abandoned St Mary's Church in Agew Gemjabet - Amhara2009USA2009World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetUnknownAgew Awi, Bahir DarAmhara
AdopteeBoyNebiyu or Unknown; child said to be abandoed at Entoto1989Netherlands1990WereldkinderenUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Lemlem; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa1995Netherlands1995Stichting AfrikaKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyBemnetu or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa in a park Across from Menelik II Referral Hospital Country USA20082009America WorldKid's CareUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHayat Arjan or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Sebeta Oromia Region2013Netherlands2013Stichting AfrikaAlmaz OrphanageMother - RadiaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa, Oromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Mamush Bekele; child said to be abandoned Near a mill in Arsi Negele2004USA2005Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknownArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlHermela Yasin2005USA2008Hope Adoption AgencyUnknownMother - Bezawit; Brother - CalebAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Helen; child said to be abandoned in Bishoftu or Debre Zeit2001Netherlands2001WereldkinderenUnknownUnknownEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Yohannes Adama; said to be abandoned in Adama2005USA2006Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Samrawit; Abandoned Addis Ababa at Lidet Health Center2008USA2009Children’s Hope InternationalEnat Alem, House of HopeUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyDemissiachew or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa1997Switzerland1999Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeKechene / Empress Menen Children’s HomeUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlEmawayesh Desta2011Ireland2013Kingdom Vision InternationalKingdom Vision InternationalMother - Birtukan; Brother - TesfahunAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAsrat Amanuel1996France1997Children of the SunToukoulMother - AgerituAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Rut; child said to be abandoned near ETV compound across from Black Lion Hospital - Addis Ababa2014Canada, UAE Dubai2014UnknownEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlYabsera Feysa2007USA2008International Adoption NetSele EnatAdanechAddis Ababa, JimmaAddis Ababa, Oromia
AdopteeGirl1996Denmark1997AC International Child SupportMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlLemlem or Unknown; child said to be andoned and found at Yirga Chefe - Gedeo bus station2004France2007Children of the SunSOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulUnknownGedeoSNNPR
AdopteeBoyMintesinot2010Canada2010Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenGelgela Integrated OrphansUnknownBench MajiSNNPR
AdopteeBoyTigabu2004USA2007Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownUnknownHadiya, Kembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlhelen1995USA1995Families Through International AdoptionUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Konjit; child said to be abandoned at Bethlehem Orphanage in Bishoftu1990Belgium1991Sourirs d'enfantsBethlehem, UnknownUnknownEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Hawa; child said to be abandoned at Dessie Hospital by a woman1992Italy1994UnknownUnknownUnknownSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeBoySamson1975Sweden1975UnknownUnknownElsaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Amanuel; child said to be abandoned and found outside a hospital in Harar2012Canada2013ImagineAbenezerUnknownHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyBarkelegn or Unknown; child said to be abandoned at Black Lion Hospital2010Denmark2011AC International Child SupportEdget OrphanageUnknonwAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Dawit; child said to be abandoned and found near a market place in Addis Ababa2007Sweden2008AdoptionscentrumKid's CareUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMekdelawit or Unknown; child said to be abandoned and found at St Mary Church in Adama and taken to Adama Hospital2007Canada2008Kids LinkUnknownUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeBoyGetahun Abraham or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in a medical clinic in Awassa2009USA2010Bethany Christian ServicesShalomUnknownAwassaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Lidetu; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa; Arada; Tsebel Sefer2011USA2012Gladney Center for AdoptionGladney Foster Care, Kebebe TsehaiUnknown; child was abandoned in Tsebel Sefer; Addis AbabaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Furtuna; child said to be abandoned in Adwa2001France2002Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeMissionaries of CharityUnknownUnknownTigray

AdopteeGirlSelass or Unknown; child said to be abandoned at Dessie Hospital1989France1991Les Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulUnknownNorth WolloAmhara
AdopteeGirlTazebiew or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in police station in Addis Ababa1999Norway2000AdopsjonsforumUnknownUnknown; child found at police station; abandonedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlDename Kedir2007USA2008Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, Mussie Children's Home AssociationMother - AlmazKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeBoyMulgetta Sissay1998USA2002Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknown UncleCentral TigrayTigray
AdopteeGirlFasika or Unknown2009USA2009Better Future AdoptionsHannas Care CenterAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTegegn2011Canada2011Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenGelgela Integrated OrphansAmarech - MotherKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeBoyTesfahun or Unknown; Abandoned Child was found by local farmers2009USA2010HoltUnknownUnknownKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlSaritu or Sartu or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Dire Dawa; Kebele 08; Legehare2012USA2012West SandsBirhan Family Welfare FoundationUnknownUnknownDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlTizita Tekalign2007Canada2009ImagineSelam United Integrated Orphans and Destitute Support AssociationMother - YimegnushshalAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlMeron1995Netherlands2001WereldkinderenKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTarik Tamrat or Unknown; Abandoned in Addis Ababa and taken to Missionaries of Charity1993France1997Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMussie; Abandoned in Debre Berhan at the home of Bezawork2010USA2010Celebrate Children InternationalCovenant OrphanagesUnknownNorth Shewa, OromiaAmhara
AdopteeGirlSelamawit2007France2007Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeUnknownUnknownSouth GondarAmhara
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Hailemariam; Abandoned in Amede Mazoria in Addis Ababa2007USA2008America WorldKid's CareUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlArgene Natata2008-2009USA2009Better Future AdoptionsBethzatha Children's Home AssocUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeGirlMekuria or Unknown1997; Abandoned and found by Ethiopian High School StudentsFrance2002Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTwins Belete Anulo; Chakebo Anulo2010USA2011HoltUnknownFather - AnuloKembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Maryam or Y; Abandoned in field or forest in Bahir Dar2001Italy2002Centro Aiuti per l'EtiopiaUnknownUnknownBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeGirlTimaj Usman2003USA2008Dove Adoptions InternationalSOS Infants EthiopiaMother - Dehabu; Aunt Yeftu; Uncle AbubakerHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Ermias Jimma; child abandoned near a market in Michael Town - Jimma2009USA2011Adoption Advocates InternationalBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, Layla HouseUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeGirlBereket Lelago; Kebenesh / Kibnesh Lelago2003; 2005USA2007Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesCHSFS Care CenterMother - Adanech; Father - TerefeKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlBontu Tesfaye1996Finland2000InterpediaUnknownMother - Workneh; Father - TesfayeAsosaBenishangul Gumuz
AdopteeGirlElizabeth Askale1975France1975UnknownUnknownAskale TadesseAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
Adoptee|Type FamilyGirlAchamyelesh Workeneh1995Netherlands, Unknown1996Stichting Afrika, UnknownKebebe TsehaiSister - Kelemework WorkenehAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeGirlZenash Alemayehu; Yemsrach Alemayehu2003; 2005USA2007Christian World AdoptionGelgela Integrated OrphansMother - Selamnesh; Father - AlemayehuKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlBelaynesh Sisay or Unknown; Abandoned in Kombolcha - Amhara1997France1999Children of the SunToukoul, UnknownUnknownNorth WolloAmhara
AdopteeGirlUnknown1990France1990UnknownBalbala Hospital Djibouti, UnknownAminaUnknownDjibouti, Unknown
AdopteeGirlAli or Unknown; Abandoned in Dire Dawa1986France1987UnknownUnknownUnknownDire Dawa, Unknown
AdopteeBoyGetahun or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in Addis Ababa1998Belgium2000Ray of Hope (Belgium)Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis Ababa, UnknownAddis Ababa, Unknown
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Abandoned and found by neighbors in Addis Ababa1992France1992UnknownToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoySintayehu Regassa2009USA2010International Adoption GuidesFinot LewogonMother - Tamirua; Father - RegassaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTwins Sara; Saba or Unknown; Abandoned in unknown location - maybe Jimma - maybe in a house1997Denmark1998AC International Child SupportMissionaries of CharityUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeGirlTwins Unknown or Twins Bemenet Beiment; Dibora Beim; Abandoned at Adama Hospital2013USA2013West SandsSalaamUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown2007; Abandoned in Adama near Gabrielle ChurchUSA2009Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Eyerus Numan; child said to be abandoned in Asella Bio Farm2010USA2011Children’s Hope InternationalNuman Orphanage CenterUnknownArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlUSAWest SandsNoble Action Holistic DevelopmentUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Mehiret; child said to be abandoned and found at Stefanos Church in Addis Ababa Country Netherlands20072008Stichting AfrikaEnat AlemUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Biruk1999USA2012Adoption Advocates International, UnknownLayla House, UnknownUnknownAddis Ababa, East ShewaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlEdom or Unknown2015; Abandoned in Addis Ababa in a residential buildingGreece, UAE Dubai2018UnknownKebebe Tsehai, Sele EnatUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Mihret Getachew or Amarti Biftu2012Greece, UAE Dubai2013UnknownBright Vision, UnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlBamlak Feker2010USA2012Christian World AdoptionAcacia Village, Childrens Cross Connection AwassaMother - Alemzews; Father - FikirAwassaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Besufikad; child said to be abandoned outside of a house in Harar2015USA2016America WorldTsion Development and Support OrganizationUnknownHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Daniel Birla; child said to be abandoned at door of police station1989Sweden1990AdoptionscentrumUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlRebecca1991Belgium1993Sourires d'EnfantsKidane MehretUnknownAddis Ababa, UnknownAddis Ababa, Unknown
AdopteeGirlEdelawit or Unknown2005USA2006Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeBoyTadele2009USA2009International Adoption GuidesFinot LewogonMother - ZerfeAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyFekedu2008USA2009International Adoption GuidesFinot LewogonBirtukanAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAmsalu Gebru2002USA2010International Adoption GuidesFinot LewogonFather - Gebru; Mother - TadelechAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Bedejafh Sigisso; child said to be abandoned outside Kalehiwot Church2012USA2013World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Nyana Children's HomeUnknownKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Furtuna Abrefa2011; Abandoned and found by Zewditu in ChiroUAE Dubai2011UnknownBiftu OrphanageUnknownWest HarargheOromia
AdopteeBoyAberra Gemadi2008Unknown2008Hope Adoption Agency, UnknownKingdom Vision International, UnknownAdopted Brother Biftu Gemadi; Mother - ZenabaAdamaOromia
AdopteeBoyTamirat Hailu2006USA2010World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)FayaMother - Ejegayehu; Sisters - Mahlet and MeskeremWest ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Nahom Kebebetsehay; child said to be abandoned or left with a parishioner in Kolfe Kale Hiwot Church at Arada Sub-city2015Australia, UAE Dubai2015Australian Government, UnknownEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoy2008USA2009Wide Horizons for ChildrenAjujaAunt - Alfnesh; Cousins - Tedros and BisquitAwassaSNNPR

AdopteeBoyHabtamu Erbelo2007USA2010Bethany Christian ServicesMussie Children's Home AssociationMother - Martha; Grandmother - BekelechHadiyaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlHaset or Unknown; child said to be abandoned at Michael Church in Dukem2013USA2017Bethany Christian ServicesSOS Infants EthiopiaUnknownOromia Special Zone Surrounding FinfinneOromia
AdopteeGirlNigist2009USA2009All God’s ChildrenFinot Lewogon, Hannah’s HopeMother - YesmeserachAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlBirtukan or Unknown; Abandoned near Awash Arba2009Canada2013Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenInkintinto Child Youth and Women’s Assoc.UnknownUnknownAfar

AdopteeGirlMartha2005USA2005Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoySurafel Abu2009Spain2009UnknownFinot LewogonMother - Bata or BatuAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlAzeb Demissie1989USA1995UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTwins Dibora Ashenafe; Edidia Ashenafe2006USA2006Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownMother - NigatuaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeBoySeyum Daregea2007USA2008UnknownSele EnatMother - Agerensh; Father - DaregeIllubaborOromia
AdopteeGirlZerfnesh Mekonen2002USA2010Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesMussie Children's Home AssociationFather - Mekonnen; Sister - Shita; Brother - GeremuKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Dawit; Abandoned in Gebriel Sefer area of Kombolcha2008USA2009World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetUnknownSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeGirlYeabsera Aklilu2008USA2009Gladney Center for AdoptionGladney Foster Care, Initiative EthiopiaMother - AsnakechSidamaAddis Ababa, SNNPR
AdopteeBoy; GirlBiniyam Mamuye; Meseret Mamuye2005; 2007USA2012Celebrate Children InternationalUnknownFather - Mamuye; Mother - BelayneshNorth ShewaAmhara

AdopteeBoyTesfaye or Unknown; child abandoned and found by police in Addis Ababa1997Italy1998Centro Aiuti per l'EtiopiaKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlDerartu1999France2004Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeMissionaries of CharityMother - Rahima; Brother - AbutiJimmaOromia
AdopteeGirlHibre or Hibret2010USA2011America WorldAbenezerMother - FitsumHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Eyuel Kebebetsehay; child said to be abandoned in Akaki Kality2016Australia2017UnknownKebebe Tsehai, Sele EnatUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyDaniel Degfe2005USA2010Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseFather - Degefe; Mother AlmazUnknownUnknown
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Bekelech - Bekelu1999Spain2004Associació Iniciativa Pro InfànciaMissionaries of Charity, Unknown3 Siblings - One older brother called Teka or Tamrat; Mother died in childbirth of 4th childAddis Ababa, UnknownAddis Ababa, Unknown
AdopteeGirlMah'let or Mahlet or Unknown; child said to be abandoned at Godanaw2005Australia2006Australian GovernmentKoala CenterUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlRekik or Unknown; child said to be abandoned at Godanaw2004Australia2005Australian GovernmentKoala CenterUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeBoyLidetu K; Henok K2006; 2008USA2009Hope Adoption AgencyBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, UnknownMother - Kebebush; Father - KecheneUnknownSNNPR
AdopteeBoyMelaku S2007USA2010World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)AjujaFather - Ato S E (Shebedino); Brother - YohannesSidamaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlHelen Abebe2000USA2002UnknownMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyHabtamu2009USA2010Gladney Center for AdoptionBridge of Hope, Gladney Foster CareUnknownNorth GondarAmhara
AdopteeBoyYosef2012USA2013West SandsNoble Action Holistic Development, UnknownUnknown; Person who found child - Tadelech MAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlEskedar M2005USA2005Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesBete SaidaMother - Shibre; Grandmother - AsterAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlEthiopia Hailé1988Belgium1990Sourires d'EnfantsUnknownUnknownAdamaOromia

AdopteeGirlGenaye2016South Africa, UAE Dubai2016UnknownEdget OrphanageUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyYohannes2004Austria2005Bridge to EthiopiaGodanaw, Kidane MehretMother - Anele / Anele Work / AneleworkAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeGirlAbebech2002Belgium2002Sourires d'EnfantsUnknownUnknownEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlEnat2003Denmark2003AC International Child SupportKechene / Empress Menen Children’s HomeUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMihret2001Italy2009Centro Aiuti per l'EtiopiaSaint Mary's, UnknownFather - Schenka; Mother - SelamieWolaytaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlTwins Biruktawit; Sara2013United Kingdom2013UnknownEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeBoyMichaele E2009USA2010Gladney Center for AdoptionUnknownMother - Meseret; Grandmother - MeresietMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlSintayehu A2007Canada2008ImagineUnknownMother - TigistAdama, Addis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHanisa Jimma or Terhas2008USA2012Adoption Advocates InternationalKidane MehretUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeBoyYisihak2007USA2010HoltMussie Children's Home AssociationMother - Fanta; Father - DesalegnWolaytaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyWesen Kibebetsehay2010Switzerland2011Pro KindKebebe Tsehai, Kid's CareUnknown; abandonedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyRoba1994France1995Les Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulUnknownAddis Ababa, UnknownAddis Ababa, Unknown
AdopteeBoyFeromsa2005USA2008Adoption AvenuesToukoulUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlFeven2008USA2008Adoption AvenuesToukoulUnknownSouth GondarAmhara
AdopteeGirlShibire S2008USA2011International Adoption NetSele Enat, UnknownFather - SimimUnknownGambela
AdopteeGirlHeven Fikre1996Italy2006CIFA ONGBete SaidaBrother - TeddyAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyDigafu K2007USA2010Children’s House InternationalBethzatha Children's Home AssocFather - Kassa; Mother - TakelechKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeBoyYakob1997Norway1999AdopsjonsforumKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlFebn or Feven1986United Kingdom1986UnknownEthio Vision Development and CharitiesUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHiwot2008USA2008Children’s Hope InternationalFinot Lewogon, House of HopeMother - WolelaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyNatnael2011Canada2013Kids LinkKingdom Vision InternationalMaternal Grandfather - NatnaelAdama, ArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlMaria/Mariam2000USA2001Americans for African AdoptionsMissionaries of CharityUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeBoyTamirat Geremew / Garamu1984USA1994Americans for African AdoptionsMissionaries of CharityUnknownNorth ShewaOromia

AdopteeBoyHizkeal Kebebetsehai2015USA2016UnknownEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeGirlSamrawit Kebebetsehay2014Australia2015UnknownEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeGirlHanna1989Netherlands1989Stichting AfrikaBethlehemUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyEyob2006USA2007All God’s ChildrenHannah’s Hope, UnknownMother - AlmazAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyHaileMikel Bamlak2003USA2008Christian World AdoptionChildrens Cross Connection Awassa, Childrens Cross Connection SoddoMother - MeskeremAwassa, WolaytaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyTamrat Zewdie1995USA2000Americans for African AdoptionsKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlSofiya2010Canada2012Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenAfrica Orphan Children Village AssociationUnknownUnknownAfar
AdopteeGirlTsenat2007USA2008Gladney Center for AdoptionGladney Foster CareMother - Mihret; Maternal Grandmother - TsehaiAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAbenet / Abi Kebebetsehay2013USA2015Illien AdoptionsBete Saida, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlSemegne1995USA2001UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyZemedkun Shuta2006USA2010Wide Horizons for ChildrenAjujaMother - Asnakech; Father - AtoSidamaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyTerefe2012USA2013Adoption AvenuesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
AdopteeGirlThras / Terhas Agidom1996France2000Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeLa Petite MaisonMother - Burtukan; Father - AgidomNorth GondarAmhara
AdopteeBoyZelalem Desalegn2005USA2007Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownMother - Werknesh; Father - DesalegnHadiya, Kembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlNeima2012USA2012Adoption Avenues, West SandsBiftu OrphanageUnknown; People who found child - Miski; HussenWest HarargheOromia

AdopteeGirlSelam2008USA2009Adoption ArkUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMistre / Mestir2012USA2012International Adoption NetKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeBoyElias Adane1987Netherlands1989Stichting AfrikaKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlLidya2009USA2010Gladney Center for AdoptionBana CenterUnknownMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlBekeshi2009USA2010International Adoption NetSele EnatUnknownSouthwest ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlHiwot D2010USA2012West SandsYoseph NazretMother - Tsegereda; Uncle - AberaAdamaOromia
AdopteeBoyPetros Yohannes1999Netherlands2000WereldkinderenMissionaries of CharityUnknownJimmaOromia

AdopteeBoyBirhanu2014USA2014A Love Beyond Borders, Adoption AvenuesUnknownUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlMekdes T2007USA2009Children’s Hope InternationalHoly SaviorMother - AlemneshAdamaOromia
AdopteeBoyAron2007USA2008Gladney Center for AdoptionAlmaz OrphanageUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeBoySolomon Tegene2009USA2009Children’s Hope InternationalHoly Savior, House of HopeMother - Possibly called DesiEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyBesufekad2007USA2013America WorldSelam United Integrated Orphans and Destitute Support AssociationMother - Elsa; Father - MesfinAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlEden2008Canada2009Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenHoly SaviorUnknownUnknownOromia
AdopteeBoyAbush2009USA2011HoltMussie Children's Home AssociationMother - Tadelech; Grandfather - GetisoKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeBoyTemesgen / Temmy2010USA2011Illien AdoptionsBete Saida, Kebebe TsehaiMother - ZemzemAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlYididiya2009USA2009Hope Adoption AgencyFaith Children's HomeUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlEmebet J1992France1997PaïdiaToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlObsitu2011USA2012International Adoption GuidesEngida Hitsinat Merja MahiberUnknownHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyAshenafi B2006USA2006Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlYenenesh2006USA2014West SandsBerhan Family Welfare Foundation, UnknownMother - Alem; Father - GeremewAddis AbabaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlAlem Tsahay or AlemTsehagn Berhanu1997France1999Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeLa Petite Maison, Missionaries of CharityUnknownGondarAmhara
AdopteeBoyFekadu Bedilu1991Finland1994UnknownDaughters of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMihiret Geta2009Denmark2010AC International Child SupportAlmaz Orphanage, Edget OrphanageMother - SurafelAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyLencho2007Belgium2008Ray of Hope (Belgium)Missionaries of CharityUnknownAddis Ababa, JimmaOromia
AdopteeBoyWoliso2011USA2012Wide Horizons for ChildrenAbdi Waq Children and Elders Association, Horizon Houses 1 and 2UnknownAddis Ababa, Southwest ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyAbayneh Melaku2008USA2009World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetUnknownBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeBoyYehualashet2008USA2009Gladney Center for AdoptionInitiative EthiopiaMaternal Grandfather - Yehualashet; Mother - possibly called MeskeremSidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlBedatu2009USA2010Adoption Advocates International, World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Biruh ZemenUnknownArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlTamer Woliso2010USA2011Wide Horizons for ChildrenAbdi Waq Children and Elders Association, Horizon Houses 1 and 2Unknown; Woman who found child - BirtukanSouthwest ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyEbrahim or Ibrahim Mohammed2001USA2009World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetMother - AnshaSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeBoyAbdeta2008Canada2010Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenFayaMother - Sinbrel; Father - TeressaUnknownOromia
AdopteeGirlYemisrach Biruk1998USA2004Adoption Advocates InternationalKidane MehretMother - Meddie / Metti; Aunt - BuzenichAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyFikre-Yohannes Gamachu1999USA2008Americans for African AdoptionsAtetegeb WorkuMother - Atsede; Brother - FrawanAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlEyerus2004USA2004Adoption Advocates InternationalAtetegeb WorkuUnknownUnknownAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTewabech Mengistu1986Netherlands1990WereldkinderenUnknownUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeBoyAbnet Tsehay2014Canada2014UnknownEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiMother - RukiaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlDureti / Duret2011USA2012Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla House, Sele EnatUnknownWest ArsiOromia
AdopteeBoyDagim2015Australia2015UnknownEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMichael; born at St Michaels Church in Debre Zeit - Bishoftu2007USA2007Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseBetiEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Yreom was the name given by the orphanage2006USA2007Adoption Advocates InternationalKebebe Tsehai, Layla HouseUnknown; child was found in Kolfe Keranyo near Alem BankAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Selamawit; child abandoned around Kombolcha - Amhara2010USA2011Adoption Advocates InternationalBête Hitsanet, Layla HouseUnknownSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeGirlKidist Feyera2005USA2014West SandsBerhan Family Welfare FoundationGrandfather - Abdeta; Aunt DemituWest ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyAchiso Tadess2008USA2008Hope Adoption AgencyBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, Faith Children's Home, Mussie Children's Home AssociationRelinquished by Mother but no name was given to the adoptive familyAlaba Special Woreda, Kembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlSena Adanech2009USA2010Celebrate Children InternationalAmanuel Orphans Development AssociationPossible Mother TadelechSouthwest Shewa - WolisoOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Sarobira Ajera; She was found in Kembatta with a letter2006USA2006Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownUnknown; child was found close to the waterfalls Ajora and Sarobira and an Orthodox Church known as Saint RhipsimaKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Sitina2011USA2012Adoption AvenuesBiftu OrphanageUnknown; she was found abandoned in HararEast HarargheHarari
AdopteeGirlAfome Tesfay2009USA2010Adoption AvenuesToukoulAlmaz - Mother; Almaz relinquished herAddis AbabaAddis Ababa, Tigray
AdopteeGirlWeynshet Wondwosen; her birth brother who was also adopted is looking for her2008; born in Ambukuna or AmelakaUnknown2008UnknownGelgela Integrated OrphansMother - AmarechKembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlAyelech1990Denmark1991; Child Ayelech has been found abandoned in the out-patient department of Ethio-Swidish Childrens HospitalAC International Child SupportUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMeseret2005USA2005Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesBete SaidaUnknownArsiOromia

AdopteeBoyEyob2009USA2010America WorldKid's CareUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHareg2007Belgium2007Flanders IntercountryKebebe Tsehai, Missionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlBetelehem or Betty1996France2002, 2002; Wolde gave the child for adoption via the Social Affairs Office in AwassaLes Amis Enfants du Monde (AEM)ToukoulChild was raised by Wolde; Wolde had two children Negatu and Mimi or ElfaSidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found in Merkato area of Addis Ababa2002Unknown2002UnknownMissionaries of CharityUnknown; child is 50% Middle EasternAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Orphanage name Hawi; Found in Addis Ababa near Zerifeshewal Primary and Secondary School2007Germany2007Eltern für Afrika e.VKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; Orphanage name Yohannes; found in Kirkos Sub-City - Addis Ababa2008USA2009UnknownAfrica Orphan Children Village AssociationUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTamirat2009USA2012Bridge to Ethiopia, UnknownUnknownWorke - Mother - This child is being searched for by his biological sister who was also adoptedNorth GondarAmhara
AdopteeBoySamson and Samuel; It is unclear who named them because the paperwork was fraudulent; little is known2008USA2008International Adoption GuidesFinot LewogonPossible Cousin - MesfinAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMadebo Elias or Unknown; paperwork is probably wrong2009USA2010Gladney Center for AdoptionInitiative EthiopiaMother - Tigist; Father - Elias; it is unclear if this is true or if any of the paperwork is correctWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeGirlNathalie Guirma Salgay; born in Djibouti but her mother was from Dire Dawa1989Belgium1989; the adoptive parents met the Ethiopian motherUnknownUnknownMother - Tensaye or Tisane from Dire Dawa; There is a half brother PatrickDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlDename; found wrapped in cloth on the side of the road in Hadero2006USA2006Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownHadiyaCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlMetade Tigabou GebreSelassie1996France2000PaïdiaToukoulTigabu - Father; Lemlem - Mother; Brothers Girma; Abiyot; Addisu; Sisters - Woulete and MegegnaSouth Gondar; Debre TaborAmhara
AdopteeGirlKebebush or Unknown2006Australia2007Australian GovernmentGodanaw, Koala CenterPossible Mother - Birtukan; child said to be left at GodanawAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyLiban; Child was found with family member Mujib in Dire Dawa.2010USA2011Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla House, Sele EnatMujibDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeBoy, GirlNehemiya and Hiwot Demeka2002 and 2003USA2006Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesBete SaidaFather - Demeka; Mother - Tezerash; many siblingsHadiyaCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Hana; Child was found in Janela Disctrict; Harar2012USA2012America WorldAbenezerUnknownHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyMamush2003Unknown2004UnknownMissionaries of CharityUnknown; child was left by mother and brother at Missionaries of Charity JimmaJimmaOromia
AdopteeBoyJacob or Yakob Markos1989Sweden1989-1990In Cammino per la FamigliaBethlehem in Debret Zeit - BishoftuGiday or Unknown; He may have been relinquished by a woman called GidayEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlBanchigize Tamaru2007USA2008International Adoption NetHope for Abandoned ChildrenMother - Asnaku; Asnaku relinquished herAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMastewal2009Canada2012Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenAfrica Orphan Children Village AssociationSara - MotherGabi RasuAfar
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Edilawit; child was abandoned around Black Lion Hospital2008Spain2008Familia y Recursos Matrimoniales (AMOFREM)Berhan Family Welfare FoundationUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Abandoned2005Canada2005Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenKoreb OrphanageUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoySamuel "Sami" Kelay2008USA2009Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesMussie Children's Home AssociationMother - BekaleshKembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlBizunesh Assefa2009USA2010Children’s House InternationalThomas CenterMother - SukareSidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Child was abandoned near a mosque in Sululta outside Addis Ababa2012USA2013Adoption AvenuesBiftu OrphanageUnknownOromia Special Zone Surrounding FinfinneOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found left outside Tekul Kindergarten (now Rift Valley University) in Bole at 1 year of age2004Denmark2005AC International Child SupportKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Ettu - Efetu; child was found in Badessa - West Hararghe Zone - by a woman called Worknesh2011USA2012International Adoption GuidesBiftu OrphanageUnknownWest Hararghe - Chiro or Asebe TeferiOromia
AdopteeGirlLubaba Mohamed1994France2000Children of the SunToukoulMohammed - Father; Kedija - Mother; Ahmed - Brother; Seid - UncleSouth Wollo - Dessie - KombolchaAmhara
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was found abandoned near the Embassy of Mozambique and at the bank of Bisrate Gabriel Church in Addis Ababa1996Netherlands1996WereldkinderenKechene / Empress Menen Children’s HomeUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found abandoned at Missionaries of Charity in Dire Dawa2009Australia2009UnknownMissionaries of CharityUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was found abandoned at a Hotel in Bacho Bore - Jimma2012Unknown2012UnknownUnknownUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknow; child was found abandoned at a hotel-salon in Addis Ababa; her mother was said to work there1991Netherlands1991Stichting AfrikaAbebech GobenaUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found abandoned in Addis Ababa Higher 231985Netherlands1986WereldkinderenKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyHannad Behailu2007USA2008Gladney Center for AdoptionAlmaz OrphanageMother - Medihanit; Father - BehailuAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlSignorita Endale2000Spain2006UnknownUnknownFather - Endale; Siblings Wujala; ThaddiusSouth Wollo - DessieAmhara
AdopteeBoyBelete Siraw2006Canada2007Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenEnat AlemAlem - MotherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTariku Genet2005USA2006Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownKembata Tembaro, West ArsiCentral, Oromia, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyEfrem Legaba2010USA2011Hope Adoption Agency, Small World AdoptionFaith Children's HomeDesalech - MotherKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlYabsira Tesfalem2010Canada2011ImagineAbenezerMahelt - Mother; Meskel - GrandmotherHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyNatnael2008USAunknownHoltUnknownUnknownKembata TembaroCentral - Shinschico, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was abandoned in Kolfe Keraniyo Subcity2015Australia2016Australian GovernmentEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was abandoned and found in Kolfe Keraniyo Sub City2014Australia2014Australian GovernmentEdget Orphanage, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was found abandoned in a market in Addis Ababa at age 1.5 years1999USA2004Americans for African AdoptionsKidane MehretUnknown; child is half Beta IsraelAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was abandoned in Addis Ababa2003Denmark2004AC International Child SupportKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlKalkidan Biniyam2005USA2005Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownMother - Mulu; Father - BinyamHadiyaCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlAbeba or Unknown; child was abandoned1993France1995Accueil et PartageMissionaries of Charity, ToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTihun Marcos or Nuna2011USA2012Dillon InternationalEthio-DichaChild was relinquished by Aunt - Wognesh; Mother - Aster; Father - MarcosAsosa, WolaytaBenishangul Gumuz, SNNPR, South
AdopteeBoy, GirlHanna and Biniam1993 and 1995 (estimates)France1999Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeUnknownHanna's Father was Alemyahu; Biniam's Father died in the Eritrea War; they were given for adoption because their mother had diedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyErmias or Ermiyas2004Spain2004UnknownAtetegeb WorkuGrandmother - Aytu; She gave him for adoption in Nefas Silk Lafto Sub CityAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAbraham Eba2008Canada2008Kids LinkBerhan Family Welfare FoundationUnknown; Child was given for adoption at a police stationAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHiwot Masresha or Unknown; child was found abandoned in Gondar1994France1998UnknownUnknownUnknownNorth GondarAmhara
AdopteeGirlMartha; Marti; Marta2012USA2014Adoption Advocates InternationalKidane Mehret, UnknownUnknown; child was abandoned and found on a street in Awassa by "Banja"AwassaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Chaltu Babagoya Kuriftu; she was found abandoned in Debre Zeit - Bishoftu2010USA2011Celebrate Children InternationalElolamUnknownEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Temesgen Luka; He was found abandoned at Lukas Hospital in Woliso2010USA2011Celebrate Children InternationalEmmanuel - WolisoUnknown; found by hospital nurseSouthwest ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Hewan or Shurbitu; She was found abandoned in Boricha2009USA2010Adoption AssociatesEnat AlemUnknownSidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Gedion; child was found abandoned at a bank in Ciro or Chiro2011USA2012Adoption AvenuesBiftu OrphanageUnknownWest HarargheOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Sitota; child was left abandoned with a woman in Tach Mille; the woman may know the birth family2010Canada2013Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenInkintinto Child Youth and Women’s Assoc.Unknown or Mother - AbebaGabi RasuAfar - Awash
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Tedros; child was found abandoned in Addis Ababa1989Belgium1989Sourires d'EnfantsUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Rediet - Redu; child was found abandoned around Adama Steel Factory2013Switzerland2014Pro KindKid's CareUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlMeti; the adoptive family of Meti's twin brothers is searching for her; she is older than they are; She may have been adopted to the USA or Canada between 2009 and 2012Meti was born in 2008-2012; the twins were born in 2012Canada, USABetween 2009 and 2012UnknownUnknown; Meti's twin brothers were adopted through Almaz Ashene Orphanage in Addis AbabaMother - Mulu; the adoptive family of the twins is in contact with Mulu; Mulu has one Post Placement Report where Meti is on a swing with her adoptive family of 4West Shewa - AmboOromia
AdopteeGirlSalasibish2007Canada2008Kids LinkHope for Abandoned ChildrenMother - Astres or Aster or AsresAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Simegn Addis1996France2000Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeUnknownUnknown; child was abandoned in Bahir DarBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeGirlKalkidan Dola2008USA2012Christian World AdoptionChildrens Cross Connection SoddoMother - Nigist; Uncle - Tesfaye; and othersWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Rahel; child was found abandoned next to a wall around a church in Bale Robe2007USA2008Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulUnknownBaleOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Mahlet Alemehu2007 or 2008; 2008 or 2009USA2008Christian World AdoptionUnknownUnknown; child was found abandoned at a post officeSidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlSitota2010USA2010Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownMother - Tadelech; friend or employer of mother - AsnakechAlaba Special WoredaCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Bethelehem Birla Beyu1988Netherlands1989Stichting AfrikaKebebe TsehaiUnknown; Child was abandoned and found in Jan Meda around Yekatit 12 Hospital; a woman or a police officer found herAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeGirlBeamlak Bereket2003USA2006Adoption Advocates InternationalSele EnatUnknown or Father or Uncle - BereketAdama, Addis AbabaAddis Ababa, Oromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found near gates of Missionaries of Charity in Jimma2004Canada2005Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenMissionaries of CharityUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeGirlRosa Henok or Rosa Mafisa2010Spain2012UnknownSelam United Integrated Orphans and Destitute Support AssociationMafsa - Mother; Wana - GrandmotherUnknownGambela
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Baby Tigist Alemu2008Unknown2008UnknownUnknownUnknown or Tigist; child was abandoned in Black Lion HospitalAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlSabontu Adamitulu; she was found abandoned in Adami Tulu by "Hilko"2010Canada2012Kids LinkKingdom Vision InternationalUnknownEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyMelkamu2005USA2005Wide Horizons for ChildrenHorizon Houses 1 and 2Unknown; child was relinquished by someone; maybe grandmother; in AwassaSidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Zinabu; child was found by "Fatuma" in Awash2012Canada2013Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenInkintinto Child Youth and Women’s Assoc.Unknown; the name Zehara was written as mother on the documents but then crossed outGabi RasuAfar
AdopteeBoy, GirlTazebachew Awraris and Kalkidan Tesfaye1999 and 2005USA2007Wide Horizons for ChildrenHorizon Houses 1 and 2Brother - Ayenachew; Mother - ZenabechAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Halatu; she was abandoned and found in Asella Hospital2007Unknown2008UnknownAMBAUnknownArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found abandoned in West Shewa Zone; She was found by a person called Feyise2007USA2008Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulUnknownWest ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Hailu; he was found abandoned in Addis Ababa by a police officer2005USA2010Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAnteneh; child was given for adoption by Tsedale (mother or grandmother) in Dukem - Oromia2009USA2010Hope Adoption AgencyBethzatha Children's Home AssocTsedale and Meron; neighbors reported that they moved back to TigrayOromia Special Zone Surrounding FinfinneOromia, Tigray
AdopteeBoyDawit Negassa2011Unknown2012UnknownEthio-DichaFather - KumaAsosaBenishangul Gumuz
AdopteeBoyAmbelo (Ambilo) Desalegn2005USA2007Wide Horizons for ChildrenBethzatha Children's Home AssocFather - Desalegn; Mother - AbebechHadiyaCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyYoseph; Josef; Yosi2011USA2011Children’s Hope InternationalNuman Orphanage CenterNot Provided; from AsellaArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlMehret or Mihret1998Unknown1999UnknownAMBANot providedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoy, GirlHabtamu Eyasu and Tarikua Eyasu2005 and 2008USA2008Christian World AdoptionUnknownFather - Eyasu; Mother - MeskeremWolaytaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown2007USA2007Children’s Hope InternationalHope for Abandoned ChildrenUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlKiya Berhanu or Birhanu2000USA2010World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)FayaMother - Genet; Father - BirthanuAdama, West Shewa - around AmboOromia
AdopteeGirlElsa1996Netherlands1996WereldkinderenMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyFekadu Shunuru2008USA2009Children’s Hope InternationalBethzatha Children's Home AssocChild Ethiopian Name Mother - Almaz; Father - Shunuro; Sister - LemtuAwassa, SidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyDereje Abera2004Canada2008Kids LinkAlmaz OrphanageMother - FitaleAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Melat Mikatu2008USA2009Children’s House InternationalBethzatha Children's Home AssocUnknownUnknownAmhara
AdopteeBoybegins with M2010Germany, USA2011Illien AdoptionsEnat AlemMother - AshaArsi - AsellaOromia
AdopteeBoy, GirlTwins Berhe Eshetu and Mehret Berhe; They were found abandoned in Addis Ababa1989USA1989UnknownUnknownUnknown; They were adopted from Black Lion Hospital after being found by a taxi driverAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlRuhama or Unknown; child was abandoned in Bole Sub City2009USA2009America WorldKingdom Vision International, UnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyManasebot Fetene2007USA2008Christian World AdoptionUnknownAbebech - MotherWest Arsi - ShashemeneOromia
AdopteeBoyWondifraw Kare or Wondu2001USA2007Wide Horizons for ChildrenUnknownTirfaye and AlemetuSidamaSidama
AdopteeGirlMestawot or Unknown2000Australia2001UnknownKebebe TsehaiUnnown; child was abandonedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAshenafii2008USA2011HoltMussie Children's Home AssociationGrandfather - AyeleKembata, WolaytaCentral; South; Gambela
AdopteeBoyHenok2009Canada2012Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenAfrica Orphan Children Village AssociationUnknown; child was abandoned and found by a woman called Genet in Megala Chat TeraGabi RasuAfar
AdopteeGirlKassahun or Kassahun Tayeprobably 1999-2000 but listed as 2002Canada2006Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenAtetegeb WorkuUnknown; child was relinquished by someone called TayeAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlGhebrielua or Unknown; child was found abandoned in the street of Adwa1996Switzerland1999Pro KindMissionaries of CharityUnknownMehakelegnawTigray
AdopteeGirlGhennet or Genet1997Switzerland1998Pro KindMissionaries of CharityUnknown; child relinquished in AlamataDebubawiTigray
AdopteeBoyTheodros Suntajo; Nickname: Theddie or Teddie1985Netherlands1988WereldkinderenBethlehemMother - Unknown or Baikru; child lived with Meaza in Debre Zeit before adoption; Maeza found the childEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlMeskerem and Kidist2004 and 2006USA2010Christian World AdoptionChildrens Cross Connection SoddoMother - Maksegne; Father - EyobWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeBoyYoseph Semira; Yosef2010; born in WolisoBelgium2010Flanders IntercountryBiftu OrphanageSemiraAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyHiwot Dugda2012Ireland2013UnknownKingdom Vision InternationalUnknownUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoyMezekir Mekomia2009USA2010Gladney Center for AdoptionInitiative EthiopiaMother - AwtashMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlDanaite Omer2007USA2009Gladney Center for AdoptionGladney Foster Care, Initiative EthiopiaTesfanesh - Mother; said to be from WolloMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlUnknown; adopted as Mekdelawit; child found in Addis Ababa2007USA2008Hope Adoption AgencyEnat AlemUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAmanuel or Unknown; child was abandoned in Harar Hospital2012Unknown2013UnknownUnknownUnknownHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyAbdisa or Unknown; child was found abandoned2008USA2008Hope Adoption AgencyUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTibletz and Tigist, Twins Tibletz and Tigist1986Sweden1986AdoptionscentrumEthio Swedish Center at the Black Lion Hospital, Swedish-Ethio center at the Black Lion Hospital, UnknownMother - TigistAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoy, GirlSara Gojole and Yishak Gojole2006 and 2008USA2010HoltMussie Children's Home AssociationMother - Fasika; Father - Gajole; there are some siblings and an uncleAwassa, Hadiya, WolaytaCentral, SNNPR, South
AdopteeBoyTedros or Christian, Tedros or Christian or Unknown1990Sweden1991UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHanna2007USA2008Adoption AssociatesLayla HouseNot providedAlaba Special WoredaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlGadise or Unknown; child found abandoned by police officer in Burayu2008USA2009Wide Horizons for ChildrenUnknownUnknownBurayu, Oromia Special Zone Surrounding FinfinneOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child found in Kombulcha Bus Station2008USA2009World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetUnknownSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found abandoned in Jimma near Adari River and Holy Savior Medhanialem Church by someone called Alemnesh2009USA2009All God’s ChildrenBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, Hannah’s HopeUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeBoyWakeyo or Waquo or Wako Tadu and Abera Tadu2003 and 2004USA2007Adoption Advocates InternationalKidane Mehret, Layla HouseFather - TaduNorth Shewa, Oromia Special Zone Surrounding FinfinneOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was abandoned in Adama and found at a police station2004USA2004Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknownAdamaAddis Ababa, Oromia
AdopteeGirlTarik Kidan2011USA2011Dove Adoptions InternationalSOS Infants EthiopiaKidanWest TigrayTigray
AdopteeBoyAlemayehu or Unknown; child was found and relinquished by man called Agena in Awassa2005USA2005Wide Horizons for ChildrenHorizon Houses 1 and 2Agegna or UnknownAwassaSidama, SNNPR

AdopteeGirlYaiesh Berhe or Yayesh Berhe; child was born at Black Lion Hospital and given directly to her adoptive family1984Sweden1984UnknownUnknownYaiesh or YayeshUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoy, GirlWondemu; Emush; Tsegerada2008; 2005; 2003USA2008Christian World AdoptionChildrens Cross Connection SoddoFather - BerhanuWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeGirlTiblet Jambo2007USA2009Bethany Christian ServicesGelgela Integrated OrphansEntagen; Beamlak; Grandfather - JamboUnknownCentral, SNNPR, South
AdopteeBoyWasihun Asenaku1999Belgium2001Ray of Hope (Belgium)Missionaries of CharityZerkalem or SerkalemAddis Ababa, North Wollo, South WolloAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMikias (Miki) or Unknown; child found abandoned by a man named Berhanu2009USA2010Children’s House InternationalBethzatha Children's Home AssocUnknownKembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlRahel or Unknown; child was found abandoned in Chelga or Childa2010Belgium2011Flanders IntercountrySOS Infants EthiopiaUnknownNorth GondarAmhara
AdopteeGirlMulemebete Abayeneh or Unknown; she was said be be relinquished by her mother; she also had a twin brother who died1967Italy1967UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMosi Yalew; raised by Grandmother until age 52003USA2009Celebrate Children InternationalElolamMother - HAIYMANOTEast Shewa - Bishoftu - Debre ZeitAmhara, Oromia
AdopteeGirlMaritu or Unknown2007USA2008Hope Adoption AgencyBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, Faith Children's HomeNothing providedUnknownSNNPR, Unknown
AdopteeBoyMamush or Unknown2006USA2008Hope Adoption AgencyFaith Children's Home, Kingdom Vision InternationalNot providedUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoyAlemayehu Zake2007Canada2010Imagine, Kids LinkKingdom Vision InternationalMother - Aynate; Grandmother - BerhaneshWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeGirlDename Fitamo2009USA2009Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, Mussie Children's Home AssociationAyelech - MotherHadiya, Kembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Tamiru; child was found abandoned at Adama Hospital compound2008USA2008Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlHiwot Molla2008USA2009Christian World AdoptionUnknownMother - RahelAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Berhanu; child was found abandoned in front of Kidane Mehret Church1985Belgium1985Sourires d'EnfantsKidane MehretUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyRemedan or Unknown; child was found in front of a cattle market in Haromaya2009Belgium2010Flanders IntercountryUnknownUnknown; child was found in Harar by someone called MustakimaHarariHarari
AdopteeGirlAster Temesgen1972Sweden1975AdoptionscentrumUnknownMother - Dename; Father - Temesgen; they are from the Dorze TribeGamoSNNPR, South
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Yonas; he was found abandoned in Debre Markos2008Austria2009UnknownMissionaries of CharityEast GojjamAmhara
AdopteeBoyKedir or Unknown; child was found abandoned in Kurfa Chele; East Hararghe Zone2013USA2015Adoption AvenuesBiftu OrphanageUnknown; child found by FatumaEast HarargheOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Biruk; child found around Addis Ketema Mosque in Awassa2008-2009Austria2010Bridge to EthiopiaMissionaries of CharityUnknown; finder of the child was AmarechSidamaSidama, Sidama- Awassa, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Saba or Alefu2003USA2003Americans for African AdoptionsMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was abandoned at steps of French Embassy1983Finland1984UnknownBete SaidaUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHeven Demissie2007Canada2008Kids LinkAlmaz OrphanageGenet - Mother; Demissie - FatherUnknownUnknown
AdopteeGirlEdilie Addise2009USA2010Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownEmebet - Mother; child relinquished in Hosanna; Mother thought to be SilteHadiya, Silt'eCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found abandoned in Jimma2011Unknown2011UnknownKidane MehretUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeBoy, GirlUnknown; children were relinquished by father in Awassa2001 (female) and 2003 (male)USA2006Wide Horizons for ChildrenHorizon Houses 1 and 2, UnknownLolasso and NusseAwassaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Melaku; child was found abandoned around Stadium2008Denmark2009AC International Child SupportEdget OrphanageUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlErkab Eyob2006USA2010All God’s ChildrenHannah’s Hope, UnknownUnknown; child relinquished by GrandmotherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlHayat or Unknown; child found by "Kelemuwa" in Dire Dawa2007USA2007Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was found by sheep herder Setegn in Yeka Sub City2012USA2013Dove Adoptions InternationalKebebe Tsehai, Tsion Development and Support OrganizationUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTizita or Unknown; found abandoned near Medehanealem Church in Lideta Sub Cityh2009Denmark2009AC International Child SupportEdget OrphanageUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMistre or Unknown; left in a basket at a police station1998USA1999UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown2012USA2013Children’s House InternationalAbenezerUnknown; child found by Saeda in Dire DawaDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlMeron Assefa1888Italy1992UnknownUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Bikiltu; child was found abandoned in Woliso2010USA2010Wide Horizons for ChildrenAbdi Waq Children and Elders AssociationUnknownSouthwest ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyAregawi or Unknown; child was found abandoned in Yeka Sub City; Addis Ababa near Kidane Mihret Church Shelter2008Australia2008Australian GovernmentEdget OrphanageUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa

AdopteeGirlFathia Safia Hassan Robleh1983France1983UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoyMaguja Kussa2006USA2010HoltUnknownFather - Kussa; Mother - GelaneshWolaytaCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyFraol Dalu2009USA2011Christian World AdoptionUnknownUnknown; they are Muslim; relinquished by BaletuWest Arsi - ShashemeneOromia
AdopteeGirlWorkabeba or Unknown1989Finland1993InterpediaMissionaries of CharityUnknown; child was abandonedUnknownGambela
AdopteeBoySolomon2009USA2009International Adoption GuidesFinot LewogonMother - Serkie; child was relinquished at hospital after birthAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMakada and Eyerusalem or Unknown; siblings; possible twinsapproximately 2002USA2007International Adoption GuidesUnknownUnknownMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlMitslal or Unknown2007USA2008Hope Adoption AgencyKebebe TsehaiUnknown; child abandoned and found in Nefas Silk; found by TadelechAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTamirat Welebo2006USA2009Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownMother - Worke or WerkeHadiya, Kembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyPatrick or Unknown1996Denmark1998AC International Child SupportMissionaries of CharityUnknown or AssefashAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTihitna or Unknown; child was found abandoned in Addis Ketema Sub-City2011Spain2011Addis GaliciaKebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Besufekad Kebebetsahay2012USA2013Illien AdoptionsKebebe Tsehai, Yeengida / Engida Hitsanat Merja MahaberUnknown; child was abandoned in Arada Sub CityAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Lena (Lina) Melasse2008USA2008Hope Adoption AgencyUnknownUnknown but child said to be relinquished by maternal familyAddis Ababa, UnknownAddis Ababa, Unknown
AdopteeGirlMekdes Addisu2009USA2012Adoption Advocates InternationalSele EnatMother - Desta; Father - AddisuDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlEnchach or Unknown; child found by police2012USA2013A Love Beyond Borders, Adoption AvenuesBiftu OrphanageChild found by AdefresOromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne; Lege TafoOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was found abandoned close to Kuriyara Hospital near Shashemene2008Denmark2009AC International Child SupportSele EnatUnknownWest ArsiOromia

AdopteeBoyNardos or Unknown2013USA2014Children’s House InternationalAbenezerUnknown; child was abandoned in Dil Chora Hospital by mother who provided false informationDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlMenbere or Unknown; child was found abandoned in Adwa1998Finland1999InterpediaMissionaries of CharityUnknownMehakelegnaw, UnknownTigray
AdopteeBoyBereket Birila or Unknown; child was found abandoned in Arat Kilo1987Germany1987EVAP (Evangelischer Verein für Adoption und Pflegekinderhilfe e.V.)Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Yonata2013Canada2013Kids LinkAbenezer, Kebebe TsehaiUnknown; child was found by "Alemawork" in Bole Michael areaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyZekarias; had crossed eyes; found by police1996USA2001Adoption Advocates InternationalUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMimi2007Spain2008UnknownMissionaries of CharityMother - Sewumamen; deceased, SewumamenEast Gojjam - Debre MarkosAmhara
AdopteeBoyUnknown1996Denmark1998AC International Child SupportMissionaries of CharityUnknownFafan Zone (formerly Jigjiga)Somali
AdopteeGirlTerefech Lema2007USA2007HoltBethzatha Children's Home AssocDesalech and LemmaKembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Sentayehu at adoption; child found by someone named Desalegn or Damene2011Canada2011Kids LinkKingdom Vision InternationalUnknownWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeBoyBedilu2008USA2008America WorldKid's CareMother - AbebaAddis Ababa; Kolfe KeranioAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMulugeta Michael2005USA2008Hope Adoption AgencyBethzatha Children's Home AssocUnknownKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeGirlElsa and Tarikua1994 and 1995, 1994-95 and 1997-98Italy2002Centro Aiuti per l'EtiopiaKidane MehretParents - Deceased; Others Meseret; Tesfaye; Bereket; TzekkaJimmaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknownEstimated 2006, Not providedSpain2012UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownTigray
AdopteeGirlSelam Adane2006USA2009World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)A Hope for Children, Bête HitsanetMother - MisayayeSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeBoyUnknown; adopted as Yohanes2014USA2015Adoption AssociatesEngida Hitsinat Merja MahiberUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeBoyNatnael Biniyam or just Natnael; child had a bone conditionaround 2011USA2013UnknownUnknownMother - Asnaku; the child's biological brother - also adopted - is searching for himAddis AbabaAddis Ababa, Oromia
AdopteeBoyMelkamu Delelegn2006USA2008Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesBethzatha Children's Home AssocMother - TadelechCentral, HadiyaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown; adopted as Sophia1995Australia1997Australian GovernmentMissionaries of CharityUnknown; Nothing is known for sureAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlKidist2009USA2010Christian World AdoptionChildrens Cross Connection AwassaMother - Weyneshe; Others Genet; Molash; Tsehay; Meselech; Mitiku; Adanech; WendimagegnAwassa, Awassa; Hike DarSNNPR
AdopteeGirlYeman Jabile2006Norway2007AdopsjonsforumGooble DebabMother - Fadile; Father - AliAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown; adopted as Negesti; found on a street in Addis Ababa1998USA1999African CradleMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; adopted as Alazar2012USA2013Adoption AssociatesUnknownUnknown; found by stranger called AberneshWest Arsi - ShashemeneOromia
AdopteeGirlHaimanot; the picture is Haimanot1996USA2003-2005Americans for African AdoptionsLayla HouseUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlFraoli / Fropoli / Fratoli / Frapoli2004USA2004-2005Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseUnknown, Unknown; child was abandonedAdamaOromia
AdopteeBoyAmanuel2008USA2012Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesHelp for the NeedyUncle - AbrahamWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeGirlEtaferahu Asfaw2006Spain2006Cielo 133Hope for Abandoned ChildrenMeseretAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown; adopted as Sara; child was found found at the border of a small stream near bus 22 end station on Asmara Road then taken to Black Lion Hospital1992Netherlands1992Stichting AfrikaStichting Afrika Care Center, UnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlRoda Ali Osman1986France1987UnknownUnknownMother - Kadija; Father - Mohamed; Grandmother - Halima; Grandfather AliDire Dawa; Mother went to Djibouti in 1994, UnknownOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Tegegne2002Canada2004Canadian Advocates for the Adoption of ChildrenUnknownUnknownUnknown; town may be Kibre MengistOromia
AdopteeGirlHussen Derartu1999France2004Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeMissionaries of Charity'- Rahima is reported to have died at Missionaries of Charity JimmaJimmaOromia
AdopteeGirlDinknesh and Etalemahu2001 and UnknownAustralia2001Australian GovernmentKoala CenterMother - AsterWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Chalitu Berhanu1994USA2000UnknownKidane MehretUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTamerat and one unnamed sibling1984Netherlands1992UnknownUnknownUnknownBench MajiSNNPR, South West - Mizan Teferi
AdopteeGirlEyerusalem2012Belgium2013UnknownSOS Infants EthiopiaMekdesGabi RasuAfar
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Fasika; abandoned at Missionaries of Charity1994Unknown1994UnknownMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlhakise Gojam Foche, Unknown or Chakise Gojam Foche2006USA2007Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesMussie Children's Home AssociationUnknown; child found by neighbor AmarechKembata TembaroSNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Yesuneh Tekola2005USA2007Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla HouseEnat Ayalneh; Banchayehu - witnessEast Shewa; BishoftuOromia
AdopteeBoyKal Fikirte2009USA2012Adoption AvenuesAbi-International Orphanage, Berhan Family Welfare Foundation, KunkeetFikirte - Mother; Fikirte was from Byrauy but the child was born in Dire DawaBurayu, Dire DawaDire Dawa, Oromia
AdopteeGirlHiwot2008Australia2009Australian GovernmentGrace Centre for Families and Children, Koala CenterBanchamlak - MotherBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeBoy, GirlHanna Alemayehu and Binyam Alemaheyu1995France1999Children of the SunUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown; adopted as Sari; She was reported to be left on the street near Orphanage Bethlehem in Debre Zeit; found by Eshetu Belayneh; taken care of by Nanny Hellevi Happala1981Sweden1985UnknownBethlehemAunt Muna or Tigist; Grandfather Cheik Habib; Gandmother Sofia;East ShewaOromia

AdopteeGirlBilen Anteneh2009USA2009Adoption AvenuesSOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulMother - Tina; Father - AntenehHarariHarari
AdopteeBoyUnknown2009USA2009Adoption AvenuesSOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulUnknown; found by Sara and MeriamHarariHarari, Oromia
AdopteeGirlAlem but named by orphanage2007Canada2008Imagine, Kids LinkSelam MekakelegnaSemiraAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyDema2011USA2012Children’s House InternationalKingdom Vision International, Thomas CenterUnknown; child was found abandonedWolaytaSNNPR, South
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Mimi Tadesse2007USA2008Gladney Center for AdoptionInitiative EthiopiaPossibly Amarech and TadesseWolaytaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyAmogne Bihonegn2002USA2009International Adoption GuidesFinot LewogonBihonegn and DilenesawAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Akbar2007USA2014Bethany Christian ServicesBête HitsanetUnknownBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeBoySamuel Salato2008USA2010HoltHelp for the Needy, Mussie Children's Home AssociationMother - AsegenechKembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlFikir Taye2008USA2008All God’s ChildrenBethzatha Children's Home AssocMother - Weyenshet; Grandmother - Belaynesh; Others Mulatu; Shwaye; Hiwot; HaregewainAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; found abandoned in Ziway and cared for by someone named Askale2000USA2005Wide Horizons for ChildrenHorizon Houses 1 and 2UnknownEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown2009USA2010UnknownChero, SOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulFather - Mohamed; still searching for motherEast HarargheOromia
AdopteeGirlSentayehu2008USA2009Wide Horizons for ChildrenAjuja, Horizon Houses 1 and 2Kidist - Mother; SumelesanAwassa, SidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirl Lidya Tolla2007USA2008UnknownHope for Abandoned ChildrenMeridyaUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was abandoned1998USA1999Fields of Promise, UnknownFields of PromiseUnknownMekele, UnknownTigray, Unknown
AdopteeBoyAyana2007USA2007Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulUnknownNorth Shewa, North Shewa - Gohatsion near FicheAmhara, Oromia
AdopteeGirlSelamawit Gashaw2006Spain2008Cielo 133Kidest MariamUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Child left at Lideta KK Police Station2003Australia2008Australian GovernmentAtetegeb Worku, Koala CenterUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyYakob Alemu1996USA2010Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla House, Sele EnatElsa - Sister who relinquished YakobDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlMartha Tesfaye and Dagim Tesfaye1996 and 1991France2000Les Enfants Reine de la MisericordeMissionaries of CharityUnknown; they may come from a village called Melkagebdu / Mengachedu / Melka JebduDire DawaDire Dawa

AdopteeGirlUnknown; Maybe Hannah1992Netherlands1993Stichting AfrikaAbebech GobenaUnknown; child was left at the gates of Abebech Gobena OrphanageAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown2007USA2008Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulUnknown; Found by "Amina"Harari - HarerHarari
AdopteeGirlEdget Oromo or Eromo; child was found by housekeeper Tadelech in Gofer Medea - Hosanna2010USA2011Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesCentro Aiuti Per l'Etiopia, Mussie Children's Home AssociationUnknown; abandonedHadiyaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyIsrael2007Canada2007Imagine, Kids LinkHope for Abandoned ChildrenAtsedu - MotherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlmay be Soli Asnake; Tselotay2007USA2007Better Future AdoptionsKidane MehretUnknown; information is unclear due to the problems with the adoption agency usedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyTinsae or Unknown; child said to be abandoned in North Gondar2009USA2009Adoption AvenuesDas Kinderhaus, ToukoulNorth GondarAmhara
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Bedelu; child was found in Debre Markos; Gojjam2008USA2009Adoption AvenuesLabor and Social Affairs in East Gojjam, SOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulUnknownEast GojjamAmhara
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child found in Entoto Auragia Higher 11 near a church1991Finland1992InterpediaUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlAmsal1999Australia2003Australian GovernmentKoala CenterAunt - Fantaye; Others Muche; Haftamu; Kidan; Wude; BebeAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlTarikua Abera2005-2006USA2007Christian World AdoptionChildrens Cross Connection SoddoUnknown or AlemituWolaytaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlWogayu or WoguyoApproximately 1990USA1997Adoption Advocates International, Americans for African Adoptions, UnknownLayla House, UnknownBekelech - MotherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Derartu; child was found abandined in Sebeta or Adama2006USA2007Christian World AdoptionGelgela Integrated OrphansUnknownAdama, Addis Ababa, Oromia Special Zone Surrounding FinfinneOromia
AdopteeGirlBezawit Tekeste1993USA1999Adoption Advocates InternationalAlmaz Orphanage, Layla HouseUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Tigist; child was abandoned at Kebebe Tsehay Orphanage1999Netherlands2000Stichting AfrikaFA Home, Kebebe TsehaiUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlSofanit Getachew and Samuel Getachew1998 and 2006USA2008Adoption AssociatesUnknownAwassaCentral; Alaba, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found in Dukem - Oromia Region outside Addis2005Australia2006Australian GovernmentSele EnatUnknownEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlTideg Tekalo also known as Tideg Kaemo or Tideg Kaemo; Child was found by a woman related to the police officer who reported the finding; Child could be from Bobico or Bukuna2005USA2005Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesBete SaidaUnknownHadiyaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Child was found in former Higher 17 and taken to Black Lion Hospital1993France1994PaïdiaToukoulUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlChild Ethiopian Name Getise Galebo and Almaz Galebo, Getise Galebo2009USA2009Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesHelp for the Needy, Mussie Children's Home AssociationMother - AdanechHadiyaSNNPR

AdopteeGirlUnknown; she was found outside Abebe Bikila Stadium in Addis Ababa2008USA2009Children’s House InternationalBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, Thomas CenterUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyHaftu Wahid; Haftom Wahid; he was adopted with a sister2002USA2012World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Negeste AxumHarigot - Sister who relinquished himMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlGenet2007Canada2007Imagine, Kids LinkHope for Abandoned ChildrenMother - TigistAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlSitota Belayneh2007USA2007Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesUnknownFather - Belayneh; Mother - AyelechHadiya - HosanaCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlSamrawit Teshome2008USA2008Children’s Hope InternationalFinot Lewogon, House of HopeMother - EmebetAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child found near a factory in Awassa at 1 week2011USA2012Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesShalomUnknownAwassaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown2007USA2008Gladney Center for AdoptionInitiative Ethiopiathought to be Mebrat - Mother who relinquished in BoditiWolaytaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyEyob (Yonas) Tadae or Tadea2006Canada2007Imagine, Kids LinkHope for Abandoned ChildrenBirtukan - MotherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAmanuel2008USA2009Gladney Center for AdoptionBana Center, Gladney Foster CareMother - Helen; Gebremehin; Mother was living in Mekele but she was from AdamaMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlUnknown; adopted as Meti Derara; possibly abandoned2011Canada2011Imagine, Kids LinkKingdom Vision InternationalUnknown; child found by ShewayeEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyBiruk Asheber2011Spain2012UnknownFinot LewogonUnknown; maybe AsheberDebubawiTigray
AdopteeBoyLeul2001USA2006Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesBete SaidaUncle - BizunehUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was left outside Adama Hospital and found by a hospital worker2008USA2009Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla House, UnknownUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown; she was found by "Mikike" in Akakai possible near Medhanialem Church1983Netherlands1987WereldkinderenBethlehem - Debre Zeit - BishoftuUnknown; child was abandonedAddis AbabaAddis Ababa, Oromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown; Derartu at time of adoption2009USA2010Adoption Advocates InternationalA Hope for Children, ElolamUnknown; Relinquished by someone called ShitayeEast Shewa, East Shewa - Debre Zeit - BishoftuOromia
AdopteeGirlBedilua2007USA2008Dove Adoptions InternationalSOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulSintayehu - MotherNorth Wollo - WoldiaAmhara
AdopteeGirlUnknown; she was found at a few days old in the Bekele area of Addis Ababa and was taken to Yekatit 12 Hospital1987Finland1987InterpediaUnknownUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyMisikir; he was left at Mekele Hospital by his mother when she was admitted; his age was 1 week2009USA2010Gladney Center for AdoptionBana Center, Initiative EthiopiaMother - Fikirte maybeMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlAlemitu Mengistu; Child was abandoned and found in Higher 2 Kebele 21990Denmark1992AC International Child SupportToukoulUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeBoyShimeles Tegene2006USA2009International Adoption NetSele EnatMother - Emebet; Uncle - Wegene; Uncle - Zerihun; and moreSidamaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Rahmeto; child was found abandoned and cared for by a family2007USA2008Adoption Advocates InternationalLayla House, Sele Enat, Sele Enat and Hayat HospitalUnknownWest ArsiOromia
AdopteeGirlBizunesh Assefa2009USA2010Children’s House InternationalThomas Center, Ye Ethiopia Misgana Wongelawit Betechristian Yelimat Ena Yebego Adragot DirijitMother - Sukare; Father - Assefa; adoptive parent met the birth familySidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlTerefech Anesa2005USA2006Wide Horizons for ChildrenHorizon Houses 1 and 2, UnknownMother; Father; Sister; Brother; names not providedSidama, UnknownSNNPR, Unknown
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was found behind Yeka Michael Church in Addis Ababa2004USA2011Adoption Advocates InternationalMissionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; abandoned in Awassa and found by Zenit2011USA2013Adoption Advocates InternationalSele Enat, YiberaUnknown; child found near Circle of Life Hotel; Haik Dar Sub CitySidama, Sidama - AwassaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was abandoned, Unknown;; maybe Sifen or Sofanit;; child was abandoned2009USA2010Better Future AdoptionsBethzatha Children's Home AssocUnknownJimmaOromia
AdopteeBoyMikiyas2008USA2009Children’s House InternationalThomas CenterAsnaku - MotherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; Child left at Black Lion Hospital2008USA2009Adoption AssociatesEnat AlemUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlMahader Asefa or Asefa Mahader2005USA2009International Adoption GuidesFamily Umbrella Association, UnknownMuli W/Michael and Asefa, Mulu W/Michael and AsefaMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlTwins Bisayehu and Felek2006USA2010Children’s House InternationalThomas CenterMother or Guardian - Abinet; IsanetArsi, Arsi - AsellaOromia

AdopteeBoyAbel or Abeloo2007USA2007Children’s Hope InternationalEnat Alem, House of HopeMother - MaseluAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was left at Dil Chora Hospital in Dire Dawa2009USA2009Adoption Advocates InternationalForum for Street Children, Layla HouseUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeBoyNatnael Tolosa2001USA2005Americans for African AdoptionsAtetegeb Worku, Dawn of HopeMother - Tsehaye; Father - TolosaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was left at a police station1998Netherlands1999Stichting AfrikaF.A. Children Home, Missionaries of CharityUnknown; child was abandonedDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlFeima2010Canada2012Imagine, Kids LinkAbenezerAmina, Mother - Amina; Others - Jemila; Abdisheno; Kimiya; Sadia; AmedHarariHarari
AdopteeGirlUnknown2007USA2007Adoption AvenuesSOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulUnknownShekaSNNPR, South West - Tepi
AdopteeBoyUnknown; maybe born in Quiha2008USA2008International Adoption GuidesFamily Umbrella AssociationUnknownMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was abandoned and found around Bole Telecommunication Road / Area of Bole Merahi Church1995Netherlands1996Stichting AfrikaAlmaz OrphanageUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child was abandoned2003Australia2004Australian GovernmentAtetegeb Worku, Kidane MehretUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; child abandoned at Godanaw2003Australia2003Australian GovernmentKidane Mehret, Koala CenterAzeb or UnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlSara Dadi1989Netherlands1990Stichting AfrikaBethlehemUnknownEast Shewa; Debre ZeitOromia
AdopteeGirlFenan Meskelu2008USA2010International Adoption NetSele EnatMother - Alganesh; MeskeluIllubaborOromia
AdopteeBoyChalchisa Yeshi2007Canada2008Kids LinkSelam United Integrated Orphans and Destitute Support AssociationYeshi - MotherAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown; found in Kombolcha market2008USA2008World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetUnknownSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeBoyMeseker Yimer1999USA2008International Adoption GuidesUnknownHelen; Worknesh, Helen; Worknesh; Relinquished by Uncle GirmaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoySitotaw Alemayehu and Betelehem Alemayehu2005 and 2007USA2009Children’s House InternationalKingdom Vision International, Thomas CenterMother - FanteneshAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown2004USA2006Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulUnknownNorth Gondar, UnknownAmhara
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child was abandoned in Awassa2010USA2010Adoption AssociatesLayla House, YiberaUnknownAwassaOromia, Sidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Eden; Child found abandoned in Aleta Wondo in a famer compount2007USA2008Dove Adoptions InternationalSOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulUnknownSidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeGirlMiheret Mamush2009Germany2010Eltern für Afrika e.VGelgela Integrated OrphansMother - Desalech; Father - MamushKembata TembaroCentral, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyTamrat1980EthiopiaTamerat was raised in Alage Orphanage Center in ZiwayUnknownAlage Orphanage CenterMedhen - Mother; she may be in EritreaEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeBoyFekadu Tamirat2009USA2010Gladney Center for AdoptionUnknownTebarehe - MotherMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Melat Samrawit; child may be from Adami Tulu or Ziway2011Canada2012Kids LinkKingdom Vision InternationalSamrawit or UnknownEast ShewaOromia
AdopteeGirlMeski or Meskerem2007USA2008Wide Horizons for ChildrenBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, Horizon Houses 1 and 2Elife - Mother; adoptive mother met the child's grandmother one time, Maybe Elife; this was the relinquishing personSidamaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyMichael Kiros Kassaye; sister Ferehiwot adopted to another family1973-1974Sweden1974Adoptionscentrum, UnknownUnknownKiros KassayeAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknonw; child said to be abandoned in an animal market in Dire Dawa2007USA2008Adoption Advocates InternationalForum for Street Children, Layla HouseUnknownDire DawaDire Dawa
AdopteeGirlUnknown2009USA2010International Adoption NetSele EnatMaybe TsehayneshSidamaSidama, SNNPR
AdopteeBoyMaybe Biniam or Unkown2006Australia2008Australian GovernmentKoala CenterUnknown; it was said that he was given for adoption to Koala House by his fatherAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyErmias Dawit; he has 10 brothers and sisters in Ethiopia1996USA2008Gladney Center for AdoptionKebebe TsehaiBirtukan and DawitAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyEbrahim Mohammed2001USA2009World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetGrandmother - Fekele; Grandfather - MohamedSouth WolloAmhara
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Behailu2008USA2009Adoption AssociatesEnat AlemUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyAbduselam or Selam; relinquished to police by Fetiya; we don't know her relationship to the child; seems to be from Burayu Oromia2009Australia2010Australian GovernmentKoala Center, KunkeetUnknownBurayuOromia
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Hanna; She was left by her mother at the house where she worked as a house maid; the employer gave her for adoption; abandoned2003Australia2004Australian GovernmentKidane Mehret, Koala CenterUnknonAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeBoyUnknown; Abandoned1999USA2000Americans for African AdoptionsKechene / Empress Menen Children’s HomeUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa, Oromia
AdopteeGirlTsion Kinde2001USA2009World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (USA)Bête HitsanetEmebetBahir DarAmhara
AdopteeBoyJoli; Johnny; or Unknown; He was found on the road out from Bonga by two children2002Australia2003Australian GovernmentKoala CenterUnknownKeffaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlRoza or Unknown; child was found abandoned in Gondar Zuria2011USA2012Gladney Center for AdoptionBridge to IsraelUnknownSouth GondarAmhara
AdopteeGirlUnknown; she is reported to be found by a soldier outside a hospital2005USA2005Adoption Advocates InternationalKidane MehretUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlBiftu Batu; She was left with Legesech by her mother who did not return2009USA2011Illien AdoptionsHelp for the Needy, Kingdom Vision InternationalUnknownUnknownOromia
AdopteeBoyUnknown or Maybe Timotwos2004USA2004UnknownKidane Mehret; Child was left at KM in September 2004 by a government workerUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown or Nuhamin Balcha2009USA2009Bethany Christian ServicesShalomUnknown; child reported to be found by random person TesfaneshAwassaSNNPR
AdopteeGirlUnknown2002USA2007UnknownUnknownUnknown; child relinquished with no informationMekeleTigray
AdopteeGirlBethlehem or Unknown2006USA2006Dove Adoptions InternationalToukoulBelgie and Aregu; one sibling was adopted after being born in Woldia Hospital around 2004-2005; two older siblings are with the father in LalibelaAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlUnknown; child said to be abandoned at gates of Missionaries of Charity by a person named Boja2012Unknown2012UnknownKebebe Tsehai, Missionaries of CharityUnknownAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlkalkidan2008; Child born in Akaki Kality and relinquished by Etenesh; there is a picture of the motherCanada2008-2009Imagine - CanadaHope for Abandoned Children, Kids LinkEteneshAddis AbabaAddis Ababa
AdopteeGirlZeyneba Eba or Unknown; child said to be abandoned2007Unknown2008UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
AdopteeBoyZebdiyus Dingae2002USA2012International Adoption NetSelam United Integrated and Destitute Association Orphanage, Sele EnatHenok; Dingae; Abis; Upsi; Kebede; Dina; Enata; Abdu; Nebiyat; Yordinos; Child relinquished by Uncle Henok; Siblings or cousins may have been adopted to other familiesUnknownGambela
AdopteeBoy, GirlBruk or Biruk and Dibora2007Canada2008Kids LinkUnknownKasech; Sisaye; Kasech -, Kasech; Sisaye; Kasech; Children were given by mother Etenesh in AdamaAdamaOromia
AdopteeBoyKibrom or Unknown; child said to be found abandoned by someone named Lielt in Duket Jerba Kebele 122008Canada2009Kids LinkSelam United Integrated Orphans and Destitute Support AssociationUnknownAdamaOromia
AdopteeGirlSaba or Unknown; child said to be abandoned at bus station in Awassa2008USA2008Adoption AvenuesSOS Infants Ethiopia, ToukoulUnknownAwassaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyAbel or Tariku or Unknown; child was found abandoned around Boricha Woreda outside Awassa2009USA2010Adoption AssociatesEnat AlemUnknownAwassaSNNPR
AdopteeBoyEngida Demisse2009USA2009Children’s Home Society and Family ServicesMussie Children's Home AssociationUnknownHadiyaSNNPR, South
AdopteeBoySegni Jimma or Unknown, Segni Jimma or Unknown; child said to be born in a hospital and left or abandoned by mother2010USA2010All God’s ChildrenBethzatha Children's Home Assoc, Hannah’s HopeUma or UnknownJimmaOromia
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